Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Friday 10 June 2011

why rebplupbacon Rngcops make lousy scapegoats; no one needs the members

Flash Tom Baker now into misrepresenting legal cause degree was doctorate American jibberish always why no all but Eva Braun and nazi comehole flunk buttocks part again about how "soft-on-crime" mensans "embolden regovernator, televangelicals and corporate Orin/Mittgritchz not having to explain erectionriggiers at Kentstate with Katheringe Hairraas after so much time for trying to forget supporting Dade county Bundy and Jeb and Neil and "minor transgression" Checkers speech always such a nice quite type general vague inspecificities so supreeme being can favor beautiful business a-as-usual ball swinegreasemobileto pump where magigicpoopasaurus hiddenwhat left of earth under marketing ad lamination fluid for bacon babies bottoms in combustionhammobile to  Tiger pump and directdeposits but now out of scapegoats so who to blame with ponzzied regoverator ponzied failure subsidies bonusing prisonrendercasion demad to feed imbecile brains into higher learning sausagemaker of mind if kids ask about Attica for realworld corpam with wealth so as to be one homeless than Andrew Fastow therefore subject to treatment as "fringe element under mythable code of marginalization for more than fair pieshares int frivolous weaponry subcontracting sexymonies couldda fed 3/4 entire solar system fully populated fulla zombie robot clone social elite meat-packing glitteratti
as why Toyazuki retooling for already-have-nuclear power sun future instead of baconcar Hammerlinckznfuhrheggsslaw demanding justice with peace reimbursement and impeachment flunking buttocks juicesauce in higher learning business as usual ball sweat market shopping clean commerce aum...

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like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool
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