Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Thursday 23 June 2011

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no dumbwatering down support thunk'n' poor Tommy Baker only had salary since '80's after graduating Kent legal tech college online almost and regovernor IA with ROBOT PROFESSORS saving BIG RErerePUBLICoselfserveincomicongs on familiar home quantum math labs jr. school to pension providing sweatshop footware with tiny 3-yr-old barely legal fingers and Johnny "wadsworth" Abrahimmoff size tax support (keeping wallet
An Education starring Peter Sarsgaard: DVD Cover
sold separately) and  all displaying honest presenting as doing power junkie brokerage since outta office so many making fine zero-term pro-orphan death penalty p-residents w/out sadistic tenancies for independence dignity and leadership in front of the kids (hotcha!) *eherm*
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most statistics showing defense subcontractor focus group lobbyists fresh into congress agree with complete set of busting myth buster busters busting the earths' busting myths finds responsible so future still in '50's after last decade of world administration is why Eric Bramblestread's pop needs more medications allowance and premiums and dietitians and fashion consultant/implementation prison casino justice pals better than striker writing teevee because (personally opinioned of option "becase" betterer just for taste variety not getting into securinety samples
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