Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 8 June 2011

what part of pimped kids breeding hostages with dyslexia and posterity aren't rhyming besides...

"no control" rarely heard as excuse for frantic rushing into the peace again where behaving righteously still not revenge or just too less inconvenient to actually exercise where robots treated better than 90% of humanity, less than 5% of combustion engine vehicles on planet though cautioned 5 decades + ago

cerebellum too close to call with not having to explain
Albert Einstein E=MC2
Kent State and Katherhinge Hbarris to young aged minor imbeciles and republicans not nessecelary in that order with regovornator preschool pensioner (did what as toll-funded guardsman?) and T. Baker "student services" [*eherm*] nanny rights violations czaring unelected at University higher mind accreditation for youth of tomorrow last 6 decades plus to down-quality education on tuition hiking (that like a scavenger hunt where students who should be studying are forced into extracurricular exercise of "go out and bring back huge bags of money to give Popular Science - Popular Science - September 1917
administrators?) as explaining attempts  how this is a good fair deal for taxpayers/parents of students local or out-of state again then not even a Science center or revamping of I.C. civic rec. center/satellite rec. centers and racing for detentioncenter/jails for crimes uncommitted by wrong people amidst police violence mixed messaging as ounce of prevention and wanna buy some pencils teachers get apples librarians bananas then everyone else too heat exhausted for Union rights white collar criminal justice system tart 5 minutes ago delegates cash night for mommy baby ladies may want own casino river prisonboat (on land) just sayin'...aum

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