Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 29 June 2011

how's the tea, Michelle Kringriitch? Leave pawlenty in santorum? SEE? Like refridgerator poetry magnets!

while for all not enough tax fuelled direct depositry bogus freeconmediapresserves to throw money at need republicans for reelyreely fantastic p(r?)overt(y)ed loyalty dance oaths for fiscal pro-deathpenalty orphan speculation gossip mongering war spoil hoarding and avarice by self or in therapeutic group franticspazmoticism why elephant party screwing around with hidden agenda to change constitution to non-redress of grievance non-refundable no true claiming recidivist restitution/reimbursement bad faith enforcement dictatorial expending others' lifestyle legislation free to be violently regulated in every family values teeveeshow just
Missile Command
command lordshipping by divine right crappola say no babbalones flunking a-wad buttock horse cock burger to feed the kids in case or professorship or improvement ambitions in future best to de-stabilize prior; makes K. Harris/ Phil Jones heroes as well as regovernor and Neil Busssssshhhhhhhhh and Andy Fastow not forgetting B. Gates for adopting Africa once idea safely heisted from Maddona out of ethics profit with new waterslide in limo to impress and distract from freak control issues rumour has Tom Baker saveing up over ten MORE business days after next ten after next ten enough to change name to Eric Bakranstattersplatshamlicks until Johnny cand read even if Joe the Uncle could afford new bike next holiday sales season souless bastarding whole keepup with nations never attacked on fashion consultancy costings family prosthetics prevention of mortuary healthy psyche unit license random security checks against 4th amendment blessings of liberty happiness pursuits in case  requesting abortion jesus show up after entertained with atrocities upon "sorry" corrective measurements nice try

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