Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Monday 24 May 2010

Return of the monster truck auctionenginearingtones & tractor pull'n's' son

  personal favorites well used to be Saturday mornings then Fridays with Sundays a close second now hoping to balance with decent tThrsday-Tuesday combo since got Mondays closer to tolerable recipe calls for 1/3 parts hearsay, 1/3 specul8ion & 1/3 parts verisimilitude with all squirmy wiggle room between ambiguititasiv of hearsay and specul8ion & with that.. since badge and firearm carrier porn starz watercartwheelwraighin'write world emporium; if still on flippin' runway  it's loitering shouldn't be too demanding to arrest without abusing imaginary police state special rights labor movement history of poor victimized paycheck    word on streets for denizines already heathily not-buyin'-it Joe the plumber'subcommittee on lobbying unit thru head in ass porn customs respectfully oh personelle favoriteswell there'r' ready-SHOOT-aimin' admintistrators hunching based on conclusions jumped to at taxpayer expense with C.Y.A. *wink* "policy onin inonvisible ink" somewheres 'round Unanimous Declar8tion bodyguardtenforcment  publicity non-options special victims' double secret special rights guilty until corporate and tax subsidized sandbagage handling fee avoidance/escapee manuvers, the fillibusters, hold on make that ghostbusters ('member when Marilyns' husband thought Murphie Brown was a game show host or somethin'?) oh & whirrled peas-forced confesssional fraud Reginald Denny deniers and election rigging naw never happend; system screwing folks npsphbbbtphtthththt at least with "goodly-hearted" discsioncidererabubbl8rs inherently in such as peer environologies with not-health threatening combustion waste emission standard of living pro's and the big bucks devaluing currencey  as mytho-poetic as must needs bees
inherently in such as hm omvroomom

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