Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 26 May 2010

For first time today only on themepark wheel of Opranhic fortunitude naturally not spouseal abuse triggerhappy legality enforcer pro quot8er8'd wanted halting with Mexico and Persia never attacking again

       where fun in that Jo the plumber's wife variety politics anthro hour afternoons right as kids return via schoolin' should Philliusippahsmurf Knight(not musician)s' sweatshops put pro atheletic footware (li'l mobile billboards how adorabubble!) on young peoples fe'ts to wear illegally preportionportinging firearms 2 launder 4 certain and from inner city schools thru Jeff Beck's backyarddoor where maliscious neglectioned pit bull pupies and 18-yr-old babies sometimes 62 yrs olds wot that on lunar colander could be abuse just chillin' though can shoot over said fashionry with non discrimination or not at will man seems somwheres's alien zombie elf ninjas gregorian colandarss from Papalcyism barter lucra8ive career op kids builda factory to produce footware & hallowoints for sale as package during free alcohol and handgun home games everyone'll cooperate with maketing to hold cost so won't  b called socialism erplacswaprevamping w/ gulf of Suez ingenious  any wonder the young people KHarris has fill'n's of entitlemnty over 'nuff2 rig 'lections without all the acid reflex and penial colonist-envy IN F*}<%ing FL fer chrissaches  Part of the keep ignorant parts of Hiti beautiful by having poverty to referenceconceringprofect onside to sell swap with NSA concerning retireeggnest fundage certainly monoploizes homeschooling maketry camp o'thunkry hm wot

 hm omvroomom

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