Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Monday 17 May 2010

Anita Hill called wants her fresh carbon8ed cola flavored beverage, see, & *pop* where's the valet checykx outda "cooling-off (pause4effect) (take2)...period" some sunlyday...

nearlyasif social "working" "POLICe!!"! ain't co-exist in the neighborhood w/o tax contribula8ionry tollhousefundtips volutarrily cornscriptionized for safety assurance + PTA + kinderfunknded vokken mobile comsubjectitudinaloobingin every kitchen violations for burghur spamlard rights 2 paint santa bright blue saftey first pro monitering educ8ion w/9mm & bazookah POWpowpowepowpowpowpowwpowpow thx Will Smith cabaret 
Babybabybayeayeayea sheglovesshoes Babybabybayeayeayea (repeat [twice X2{+}]) bingaahlazlingahbongungahbonnngaa pah-daChing" 'ceptin' let A. Fig r-u-n-n-o-f-t-ah sorority syndiphilyates o'...belay that...which parts of Dade Co. Kat.H. regs spostab t/wn loyalty oath copticphics sigma Sunday ''causeknow, 4 papal chapeau (H3Ythatrhymestits!)- Y holy father never get an ascot a'thunkt Smurfett'a ganked that posit yet
...meanwhile who grading all Aristotle's "what I done last Sumpter" re-ports hannyhoo for $.000001k, M. Trebeck  hm
bdthtththhththpthfhpthstill in support 4 losing it w/poor psychic nonfraudulent nxtb.s,+ Jillian 4 Lose'in'nitHere's one 2 try @ home when not pretending paid for and mortgage clear unstigmatized as "homeless implying ambient odor and hgyne responsibly challenged (actually appling to muchmany heavy eu de toilette bathers)" while gearing up 4 "businessas-unusual-if-not-moreso"2-sdee @ PUMP protecting hard earned exec salaries, not anybodys' who would pay for that..no 4 true interest in offering service-4-expense coverage + savings sorta "will eat 4 work" dillyo b/n naps in cadboard condo under bridge scenario, imprisario*eherm* considering mass wednessdee &al.
 possibly only due2 resmbalance 2 P.abs-duels (all appear simialar in/2 untrained occularitude 

beholdance; what duress??!?!?)s *ehrm*, that slipped...where's Barkley's fav. biscuit 
hm omvroomom

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