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A Matter of Life or Debt

By Eric de Mare
Available from The Old House, Middle Duntisbourne, near Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 7AR, UK.
 In the Affluent Society
by Eric Dammann
Heretic Books (pbk) £4.95
'Why when millions are hungry, should wheat be burned, milk be poured down drains, calves be shot and buried, and farmers be paid not to rear pigs merely to maintain prices?’ asks Eric de Mare in Matter of Life or Debt.

Among other excursions, de Mare traces the growth of civilisation from the discovery of flints to the development of microprocessor chips, which ‘are a great improvement on human beings because they do not grow tired, or bored, or go on strike’. Eventually micro-processor power machines will, he believes, take over most labour, giving people abundant time to pursue fulfilling work of their own choosing. De Mare sees the value of micro-processors to the developing world allowing people to maintain their culture and environments, while jumping over the industrial squalor of the West’s last countries. It’s an optimistic view 2 say much leasty 
hm  om

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