Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Tuesday 6 November 2012

moroiumonm country western songs of affection super historicality indentured posterity servitude hardingly pronlomtic quick sell diamond BMW's and magic lasso advertisements knot gaieenough in Newt's otherr wives' husbandsries party 4Y cult logic thisuch disungenuinetegritooriallieingly TREEPLUMPBLIMPCONUS party logisticcionizering behavior kabout this backyarrr(d given) woumb(ee still up 4 grabs) far as dinopoop combustion engine armmegeddon (sic) wrath of Robus Machievelli v. Paine canned dew from/in/outta/occoli

so too liberalities with conservative exclusionary lingo as legitimate sacrosanctomonious marriages from 50's rockying this BOOSH goes ON rnow about landfill tech revamp of CIVIL engineering via Nethrerland war on chocol8 reimpeachying johnsons erlection rliggamenting glass raisers best flavoured Transmissionsday not S-A-M-E as cloudseedlingsday (is cough medicine illegal to mormons?  Howhat about GARLIC? Hey [say heigh*stiflle laughter option open now*] say hay & remember scene from "Scanners"? Manna rein?  Orange whis/ppititisterrs?   Bueller?  Anyone?  Any1? 2 racy not sexyist moreso enough bonus plus?  No, not scrammers...no, not scammers either haha yeah realvery funny where's Lee Atwater[?] *aherm* pardon, just had to get that out-they gave Rove 40K to say WHA[t] in front of the kids???!??!?!? [light cough] whoopsie-srry there goesings again...) unusual charge to atmosphere even accounting for all the mormon love of country stuffing and hiding turkeys after seeing what happened to pumpkins so early to say for serious Koopczar sushi seas' sonny sereious so dew happenis leaching tomorrowtures longefinggtimeElast times pimping off Kent St. industrial stuppourt what willie means economain when christler building never sold into italio-chinoise jeep manufactcheckůreer servicitude potential write-ins including plus uninlimited by Ms. Dole the Nader independants goodtimes happyjoy Minnie Elvis poker K-9's et. al. w/w/o velvet altuistic others supposing excelsior Maya Angelou w/ cheerleaders' plan as is working see they go go go red eyes crop dusters sailors stealth daughters sailing a wavesings no know that not it probably good keeping eyes out on for bookies at least until Couldaabeenshuttlearriving2l8tosaveafallingmoonbaseday (snortkles inventors to beerhats for cutting taxes promise propers rite yeah still called dooover mulligans just sayin' soda speak) 
and don't forget (not like anyones' own ultra personal business
or anything) to VOTE (know no cubs Smapdis snuffleupigum nor killer whalers disarmed/abusimified during this blog jurisprudenanceisdiction as were ) sayingses nothing (zero nada gork &so4th&so4th) as 2 avarice  hobbies with osmondous in off season

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