Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Saturday 24 November 2012

avoidance of higher futurers sc(h)olastics at all others' epensary efforts name of republincoln imagiry whales conquersing(s) of Reykjavik nearly anti-Ṗaul Ƙaradz(/s)ic-Ḭdi(see fascism in africa(kah?)-ổswald-the -patriot-from-persiantarcticall-launchpad2venus 4robot-saving jupitor aloha rever revereknot wonting 2 B courtneywinreyhousjack ton(sic) first withon partypottypants kittens renting lucky oops doggerr whoarsey clod clod clump (neigh) thru the spacedust faked (sung to the tua'd o' well go write your own song for democracy and media outlet shopping coupoun voucer credit

name of republincoln imagiry whales conquersing(s) of Reykjavik nearly anti-Ṗaul Ƙaradz(/s)ic-Ḭdi(see fascism in africa(kah?)-ổswald-the -patriot-from-persiantarcticall-launchpad2venus 4robot-saving jupitor aloha rever revereknot wonting 2 B courtneywinreyhousjack ton(sic) first withon partypottypants kittens renting lucky oops doggerr whoarsey clod clod clump (neigh) thru the spacedust faked (sung to the tua'd o' well go write your own song for democracy and media outlet shopping coupoun voucer credit while hiding cloak ghosterguist treeplumpnlimpublicons mix nubatch of fillibuster stu technically sakes skirting agenduhs on "wonting" a car liestyle enforcementoconomy patriot dootea  nufascist sucessionayism 43%ile freerange midhusbandeadbeat westdads clout veteran taxpaying doctoral voters suveyed on gnus showing statistical charts txtconent jiggying mabelle(sic[sp?]) handle left victimethlab rites (subcommittee by ors d'ourvers of  no confidence appoite to terrace hill [Joke between states around MO/MN/KS/ND/SD/IL/WI/MI/&so4th&so4th[Wy 4 sweet 10lb. baby Jeebus Y?  OH WY?{?!!?!}?!]) in defencing regovornorshipper non-Kafka) everyonce a chammomilleian yet(i understood) no patagoniadore attack predat'r stalk aggression invadores issues from portugalistadores perpetualance flunktardyly mongoosoon tavi in viol8torium  regarding 18th almondendment repeal out of staltwharft  student service legal t-t-tom bueller f-f-f-flavoritisticism what bad shopping looksee dinopoop sales for cumberbustion engine travel with radi8ors insurance in case of muffler replacemints free with changing of spark plug/carbur8or emission standards lifestyle in good projection to *MOONBASE* dreamy regovernance asswereahoy fiscal bluff (perchancey avast jimminy butte cliff dammitinglo robbing zombies whaaaashipsing yargds &/or Y the ladies never a'mentioning of phonestxt greatlike habititude in subcommitte cost overun always) mutitrillion republic security voucher credit retread with regovernoronomy souapier lion bobcat warterslidfutureewok x-mass & 157 aftermath y'ears(z)sw' on the termin8'r hope (whoever her fathers are in april) 4 in the smurphy uniponycorn enema projecting as Palestine attemptages at Brazilian financess steppe NAFTAUS superiority rules with sorority muthahs by wurd-on-streets survey staytuna'd-upnxtcommings(sp?[sic]) unauthorized home community college school allstealth knownone supposed to oaffiicially in public have  wisdumbpt working about factory cranking out party-line psudo religious reconswervaplumpblimpcon thought for worklabor force price setting fair enforcement or just  loose conglomer8 of yuppie boomer control fetish action troupe coercering voters to allow access to heaven  if not enough to sell mimey video games, movies, action figures, tickets to sporting events,  electricity, beef products, dinopoop for cumbustion engines insurance, cable and phone "service" advertisement providores materials provisions muhahahahaha

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