Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Ypat robonerson not keeping eyes from neighbor covet zippers feesatchawtch UT viewing howe clean Orin Hatschenates beans since 1227 roughly as were pixie gremlin fairy elf gnome tales responisbillibubblly victummying messiah rites hype nonmaliscious negligent oops interim parade rest yeti coattail bodsattavia pt.skanksin joisey hotcha BOOSH *light cough* voucheringeedingerying

dinopoop destinyesterdaze knowisting no knowledge of/uhm/oops tangtz ankle magin8tion rules policy fleeceing standard adminimath see Roberspierreitson v. Venezuela democracystraightson invasion8ors pilliage retree(oh)butionaltary redress reimbursement restitution 4-non-mormon vote be-ache (tabernyackle other Neuwt (phonicperanto anyone bueller[!?]?) wives' hubanding lein pre-nuptbandry caboose all a-bored choochew eschew[wtf??!!??!?!?!] tax?) of razers from whenceupon TX/AZ a'wonting own continental consider8tion props again in yore mouth warsh non-myth seasonings of new dirivitive(sp?)  synergistic advances in orange shoes wealth and healthy employment post-yesterday with greens beesides who has never been concerned at home or in office curiosly with cheese thunking sure could go for serious floss well now there's Chi's uberultimato CHEESEFLOSS as when congress became #1 war criminal most wanted much as freepress when frantic religiopatriot acclaimant zealots couldn't get charte blanco with great senatorial leadership and ouija board Nancy's husband (rummour-on-streets secretly mormon possible Rupert clout identity recidivist theft offender) demonstrations of budgetary reconstrainting keeps all in biographyress from juiceey high sales visibility counter twiterrierist testimonial theorey in stupids' imaginary economy of christmass job security insurance reimbursement goodgawd faith guarantor onus  ready fire steady aim lights tunnel action (props Mr. B.E. for certain not to be cornfuseioned with/ as far as Tom Buller student campus legal studentservices out of jursidictionprudence (see 5th ammendment) nor A. Coulter domestic/abroad not in Wa/CO difficult if not tough to surmise on harer stuff things uh uhm wha'eva tvym sodaspeak still no future deficit or bust (insert favorite muhahahahaha here)

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