Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Saturday 28 January 2012

Got moonbase fïnallïsïlïumly 4 full hoooomooonooveroundïng ordïnancaïrlïalquïdïteas cocommplïancïng wherewere such promïse after all empty hïstrïonhetorïx of knmonster gaps ïnn REALLY HAPPENED and what kïds know of, say, Los AdïAmïn dïploadmïnïstratorales kharmnasmah to forget not checkersïng with MOONBASE lest boonmace forget never havïng convenïenced EVER gettïng ïmage wrongïngs payïng off just can dream the smellïn's now

as in writ represenative see borrow summer moonbase must come with jetpaks as so  problematic in jetpachkintz assmblice unions to get jetpacks to moooooooooooooooonbase already even doubububbbling production with getting the kids stepping up and marching onto those trains and busses to summerwork camps as Newtdemad8s councilors from clear back'92ish no foolin' while allsooo close to asteroid orbiter, so right asteroids Chads gathering in mobile communiphinixs demo conspiration clearnoise show mand8 soliratdificharasmacations and tithes propers for MOONBASE NEWTRPITOUNANUSO XboponiX stripmall pickup ms. Bachoonamoonman  for space casinoprison, no wait there was another on one uh, what was that uhhh, uhm let's see, casinoprisonmoonbase one and asroides chads' wife for cappuchino$13 the jetpak riveterbase two in13time by only3rd term, wait, no second ateroinds definitly not empty unfufillment promise as if dinopoop reserves all dry no matter makes own sauce under surplus annihilation coerscion threat and for real bridge to more intimate moonbasespacings here think what ginormous figureheads of past have accomplished that only took 5  terms prior to be then just halfafternoon over lunch and cental east Europa and west that'll showtime ministes of cerebral feedingsers of newhatchinglingchixs en route to moonbase for training careers in regovrnforcement returnon vestments/groomings floss emphasis and key import PUPPIES for moonbase start now for one 9nine9 see if can promtcoaxtiv8 (don't laugh!) PUPPIES to loudfart upon MOONBASE command

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