Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 25 July 2012

recalimant airconditionered agua drips 2 habentjeromato watering directly 4 non-farting unipegacornasnufflupsaurisus frees murphy brown timberwolf wooley louie willy willie booley louie eating rebozoed unlawfull protocol orders husbandly evidence plant8ion orchard nusursuprsery bibybuy international and domestic credit cards and mediaconopoly voucher for stalkergoldmeatbrickhooking in seeing if can get away with "more sorry" by jeebus after "ok sorry" Patsy "Wessonoil Brady-Calvin" McCleinarthy & guy d8ing Bill(sic)iey Holiday 2*MOONBASE* mormonalphamammanannybullhorny code take on spelunking class to breast nourish popes of futures past waxing*MOONBASE*mormonhusbands' duties delugedunuggeducation busy

 not alla stoopid economotrixie men on mormonMOONBASE* mass loyalemming  tea party not hearing kids today word of mentionizzidizzaschnizzlejizzdrizzle with deadbeat *MOONBASE* air hocky milf kneejerk racysexiest ego dilemma developer lacks in Moen stripmining Pedestrial maul I.C. all flunktardy on voter consent  certain use constuentastutancy scholasticsologynix principals tuition tax for security servinile student body all code of conduct literate  coerced fundage funny drones having difficulty surveilling selvisiuminus administr8ively & double jeopardy  tax fuelled all again post-crime prevention by name of messianic chrasthmas of with cheif Gallispie wrestling manuvers all glorifying the half Nelson the full Nelson not to mention the half full Phyllis Nelson extracurricular tuition hike wrastling coach celery of foobuul progrom solicitor general & Tom studsrvsais 93 house rent contron slumlord -for-cable theft swaf amongst the in-knowsducationhome onlinepreschool to pensionavarice off-campus Kent S. mascots checkers diet Cambodia alien policy round '70's of speaking-in chads-rebozo as checkersweatlaborobberbaron minion combatants    hors'douvers like uh well like uhm like the Grossnusslevanlightplattsderstead dirinking buddy of Eric's powerpop junkie sobering could have poles stating studies support surveys saying how reliabubble stalking Johnsons credit rating top-knotch 1% striking pension stockings whatevah  like uhm & uh like uh~hm stuff'n things as drumkit modeled after Zildfamigician prose reverse engineered regovernor party mathcrops conduction commandurabi deduation code   of student service administratively threatening highway fund fiscal responsabubbleility to labor wealth doctrine during portion controlled direct deposits loophole 
subaddmissioninistr8tion motivacheer marketear loyalty frenzy  mouse feeds  in woods pro-orphan death penalty most flavoritbeaveratti active stay tunaed

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