Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Zeudros pressuræsfjiord preamble Goosfrasbamamaspamistanibaba deniers wots in yore unanimous declairfic8ion thingie on drugs bustedstings ala count *MOONBASS*ing like 5 triple æsspressochinos over 12-year cornscription same quantum firefighterdrones going to scrap for laser beam meteor deflection shield to protect *MOONBASE* denizen cult on janitor salary unless uncle administrator owns 1st credit of *MOONBASE* magnetic strip manufacture company of feed vital cheerleading enforcement freerange gluten need posterity heritage upkeepon Michelle Bachmoonmun's dog sati8ions

while service regovernor in holding direct deposit severices nada 2doodo with training soloahr surplus annihil8tion homeschool option enough to sign  next 1000 years direct deposits via taxpayer after next 2 weeks Schrodinger's gluten and onion alleregyzia endemiccloser to next direct deposit name of archlord regovernor & childhood small animals quality reasoning nothing to do with "SIC 'EM CHECKERS!" command for chad frostbite of lazy marginalizing (aren't stereotypes a BLAST o' da bombusbardment *aherm*) guess'll mouormoon as taxpaying too filthy alt: tollfee tithe enforcement guiltrip mind tardyflunckted fungkus passing campaign asset smoothie deepfry sales receipts with records of stinger missile purchases & paper shreddersrecyclabubble comme blanche homepanel removlance bowling pin myrrh third uh something & stalker pro-orphan death penalty franitc  peer loyalty of unity dance frenzy on adrenaline times whatevers inperpituitary    again never attackeding fromby Koreapalestine axcessorally (sic) Saskatoonabananamabochinsyriæs dutylibtaxtollfee senatorialpropsugestionstowards line item fillibuster fund request chittle oh look replaced the dome  BOOSH 

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