Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Saturday 23 June 2012

treepumpkin talking dog dreams contiguous

still with *MOONBASE* hide under desker gener8ion and gener8tion duex-me carbon8ed hoopdium of the masses only  going to be reefering in treepumpblimpkan mediapress pro-orphan deathpenalty friendly shangruelahahahahallay Jutes of SaskatijuæhnochtitlannatisD'Or as La Romm (sic[!{?}]) like drinking buddies with Orins wife and Eric's poppa other husbands' casino prison pork render homeschool presthru pension  unpaid unless in office by tax and lobby corrps welfare as Rommormon-Ra duty free for revengance about all  mean and hurtful things said about eating rebozo 8-tracks, stinger missile receipts bilings for paper shredders and chads per checkerswhile future genetations unable to think clear about surplus  annihil8tions while compensating for refunding campaign loan restructurings and CYA for image in eyes of world all way to crack tabernacle on *MOONBASS* as leading to harder stuff  for sales bouynow...

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