Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Orin takes Newt Milf swapping savings for Lotts teal floss

Wondrous timely ethical pontificate fiscal responsibility/city haste rumor (is it?) of hiring lobbyist originality/authenticity/non-fraudulent plagarism misrepresentational haste crimes even to zombie  prosthesis/mortuary careers for returning vets and lost Persian household conscionablilities of REAL HUMAN BEINGS/never enough time to blame Lady Bird Johnson?

Not insulting enough even under the Jack Abormoroph (sp?/{+  /-}[sic]) regulations of labor for new line of Imelda Marco fashionizm on tiny toes walking to family values factory to elf (verb) athletic footwares to pay marketers to get republipowerjunkie roll-ons?

There some kinda commission for this?  That it?  Somewhere some republichic thunktdt geegolly if economy could just run on flunk'n cool points and everyone ate gingerbread houses of sugar and gawwdiva coco waterboardsliding theme parks
that don't melt in rain and minivans with petting zoos that had legal txting while driving "rules" (only a "rule if "not fair" believed to be rule-not "law" unless fair softer bumpier camper team leader enforcement
approved by estate of
her majesty with au pair (all pre-amble-like y'know and uhm as if and uh-uhm wha'evahy'know~ Barbie and what's-his-face...well buttocks if not already copyright protected and patent pending paper towels special bathing/birthday floss/suit editions though altolaroidides altogether see that Muaxehimmmmumboylerplayhousewankspant pubs?)

That it? "Ooooh what can be done without a coach's salary supporting atlas?" therapy?  More Stanley Kubrick?

Say no to Republicon requesting more power OF ANY KIND alert~warning on hiring lobbyist by Good republicon thunktankary viewable by satellite even at nite with dura cool nocturnolol-gogs unless respect for balances and checks at state level not republicon enough soulless bastards (now soundings as if soulless bastrad bashing) breaking records (and bank rolls and surpluses and backs and almost minds TRUE

check professorial Christmas bonuses on mount Ivory towers and pay hikes in terroribubble recession belt-tightening still others' as with see "effort" all recent football attendance collegiate with school of business crime statistical reporting [hotcha!] setting new standards in front of kids packaging EVERYDAYANYGIVENMOMENT 2-ft ranged between bicyclist and muffler replacement but try a virginia slim ultralite menthol 120 from a box in a parking ramp and Surgeon General could deport parents to executioner pro-orphan life state for sentencing and security porpoises.  Oh and Ktharris Educations of Dade and away in toto L.A. as every daddy mercindiareides policy so daughter gets keys for higherlearning on shopping campus truthcheap when afford able dentist in every barn norhing just pail and apron perhaps basket for wildflowers for justice meuh remember last chicken farmer germany '39 or cow ar coulda been flunk'nsm'rph Neboralelmo pride reckoning to steady topic pass the tea & arm the bears soda speaking on anything new starring Corporal Moustache's/Tom Baker tax/tuition fueled direct deposits under freeconmediapress neutralities policy (;-P*wink*(?)?(?!?!?!?!!!)?...???
Enjoyinig next future with fake naked re-kingdom no-help push paper around to see who starves underbridge all frostbitey winter caroling "jingly dangly-danglly-thingies rock because "balls" too controversial offensively with defensive guy on mound throwing strikes timely appropriataions tax and reenable allstar ponizitrax etc. aum 

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