Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 5 December 2012

#1(319)-335-1162 ([ant'ophremoniczxks] blacfueldaze spilly inclusionary NRGdrinkfoood 4kidz tomatoeyasie [sp Quayle futuree?] ifknot microverisosouff't try agin L8r) genereduc8ional Howe/Bueller cutsavings trojan paramecium cuts a(x)sk'n calls taken@/by director (w/fundage o' refgovernorage repesent8ionall &/or otherwise hannyhoo [hipaid secretorial staffing non-exclusionary 4 the dime even hotcha] of student life [don't laugh no foolin' some1 came up with that title serious!] D.Grady/Baker 319-335-1162) strange discrimin8gry gap Upanishads mayonaise plastic container deficit compound Utah & custwhcoretez on student service security salary reimbursement tuition tax bloggin's asif know no someone warnly asnapt Ms. Santa 'cause 'bout terragr8white fischgills/monetarygram float8ion steppes to sea all nacho mamas mayan collander whilst so many mousey possibles per elephant nylon odd (as opposed to queer unseasonably unsnowy weather by speculative statistics of traditional business correspondance repotagering sodaspeak supppose) judgeminty claimant concurance with support buybybi-byenowDANCE

furcertain requesting the champillionsalvadoripolo thunktd the Hodgeman fellah projects sooner forthcoming with x-mass pop-up scratch-n-sniff cut-out greeting card tome (heavysigh) still Trump the musical Broadway tix reserve boxseatings now just send surplus annihil8tion authorization code postehaste 2 bonus Santa's cookies as tips in works unlesson naturally should Kurdistan arms-4-hospitality in Bronx (sic) swap be thwarting treeplumblimpcon (sic×2) non-naughty list by heritage rumor has't eyes on Bill & Malinda Murdoch (sp?) anniversary i'n't so cold even ritewing (sic×3) politician'n'legal pros gots (sic×4) hands in own pocketses (sic×5) (laughnow[sic×6]) preemptive hohoho 4 iftt'were C.E.300 (sic×667 neighbor of the beast))

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