Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Sunday 28 October 2012

carin' not Sharron still life on venus mouse bbfs on cellpones on trampolines for creitcharge dinopoop combustion engine administration first church of higher scelery comparison wardrobe shop of st-st-stuedendt learning dservice offices tuition uni"d"versality nice gals finnishfisngings last & lastingd(t)kint(d) ship less likeabubble inbehavior(-?) wot

thunkt helmeted spotrs industrial bonus ergarrmrpugn8ion sees free jannus adjudgice pimp 2gai heigh lighteeringerars swanpuhm meets skymmrrd (sic) *eherm* -heavysigh- buster plumbpjob (sp?) foreign balls berrings straight blame pat dixon/maimme/betsyross the musical mullbarrow bush wand magic round fertile crescent/curved universe motion allcoming to lookie4 meatgiazing the IArla(u?)nd watching toll fee dues charged dramma act shoppy like Ike IA liber8ed intermissions accomplizing in reductio ab surdnausiouxity hour mormon military safings in bolsheivek terrieredactyls of persia zone clone dronenginears (buccaneers right out geneva) speculoperations this winter freezing bite amputee under bridges pro veteran issue Ritt Momneedy all security cerebral option to sell couple shares of  MSend stocks with help from Enron party affiliates and university student services special legal administer8orales opportunities to set up soup hose in blizzard ravaged Nepal or something still open for all goodly intentionoused campaign promissory noteworthiness as kent state mascot v. cougars tuition hiking solution choicings robbering seræh (sic) Pælin (redsic)'s other mormon job clean ups aIles æll knowing athletics hype making higher learning profitabubble  each department own (k)nowndt what linebacker doesn't get spellchecking free done when sorortity sally the plumbress doings aaggreg8 pre-rape homework kitty doing for greatest first dinopoop combustion engine parade americorpuscles now poor sports giving 110% for charity and don't forget to register to vote

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