Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Sunday 6 May 2012

Look kid gotta realize up broughting to distrust justice teaching (not revenge by the way) peace (not the absence of war-see justice as above[sic]) for hockey moms with catharsis (not Trent's aqua floss necescelery soda speak) vindication (not free willylee eitherhowe) epiphany (not health concerns in parking ramp second hand any given moment under threat of highway funding withholdance for bad idea in first place duress ) in family tree sans apple mandate *MOONBASE* regovernor atwaroafvr uh like perhaps Geronimotoratoramo v. Reginaldeny concloucsure 2 discovering why O.J. still not finding real killer all the pressuregateshiplochlocks

zzzzzzzzoch sorry and um like Brittney sermountings can run lengthy good time for parking ramp no second hand healththreat two feet close to pedestrian an given moment haste plaugarizations  overpriced nap suppose uh and like wha'evah thou would have one conevinced releomormvanjelicult sundae goers prior to ballcgame adverts for higher scholar embark8tions via misrepresenative enforcement  with boogie man security assurance virtual protection  alarm defense fraud and waste and checkers 
    eating rebozo 8-tracks receipts to 

  • Trent's blue floss partychaducation homeschool UI op-res appointments postsports chads for grads Epcot Mzaspeers likely if not 
  • Tom & Terry show on Imeldia footwre budget labor wge no rent control tuitionplan for posterity smelling of dinopoop days closer to next direct deposit covering coverage 4 or agents cometitions
  • may have aleady for 2 Jumbogumbo prawn shopping with sports and weather illegal line-item filibuster seal abuse home pension all tabernackle by rarional of taxpaying just too filthy claimant disseas

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