Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Check that sole spin doctors kicked living snot & beans outta Joneser Jeebbuth little known Crockpot could that actually gateway paraphilallia leading to harder than your husband to get along with ciders nice try hodgepostman props for girlpants corduroy floss A in THIRSTory but F not ®agnarȭk plus C+ bis t-t-taiming and uh stuff and uh uhhm

Underdog in support of earnest savings lighting special holidays festival for kids of all ages HOTCHA pro orphan 70th trimyster +/- alfa elf rouge to Maccabean double nog friendly order on the posterity fly pro orphan 777th tierymyster +/- charta here somewhere ooh where that thing...S.M.A.R.T.ly justice mousenurseSTAT and that other oh well what that other one no not the stuff one about the thing but the nagdabbit oh well another generation lets do oh perhaps math what threat thing Kent State mascott not so much Swaggart U standart foam that one more thing Jersey Christie college training kids to be ignorant of  or just child abuse in Manilla convieiently near Ambomoff brokererage as Utah is to string beans LocOrin and..uh hmmm camp something, what was that the thingie with the cheerleaders and gameshow contesta fasion gromming and Winkendale's no not that one the thing with fiscal familial goose responsibubble reimbursement should accedental piehole toxins fraud dutying starryskyseasons bed in breakfast TOAST Christianna Mickietunklyatyadiddle'ngrijizzle no hmmm that ooh what the can't just quite uh...hmmmhuge outta proportion queerness should Mr. Thomas Loafer become real wooden corpor8tion couldn't just switch branches maintaintax funded 401K and  and lifetime appointment cumme buiyeehaw tenure without having to check fake certficate of visitor visa as coulda been appropropiated professor of jury and taxecutions partyland settling say pubespl-pl-pl-plebes in all easter  hay with no offense MAGIC last dwindles of elvielvins get'm  sizzly up to 12thveshotcha anyone seen ol' Mortyarrazi off Lowe's baccis onto soup de corleone au riviere got Stakinger's chez Kafkascakefam secure then gotscript and start with consreplumpblimping coching NewYork no wait not renewpublicyokieshens what was  on there ajusta kilmileo'metre'a'gogo aw shoot NO NOT  L>A oh l.l.> second or two about got it maybe CFBN wolf well may be aasta ööhön was oops...

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