Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Saturday 27 August 2011

what to do with all the footware or maintaining 2-circle tangents in displaying business competence as if 12yr. old peer pressure comperable to 56 yr-old mass hystrionics manipulations to genocide though before premature dicountjubuiliationsings loyalty oath dance...

reminiscing rebubublicanism before the fiscally responsible moustaches and family pre-school fiscal treesponsibilities abuses  no skimpin' on fraudsez-faire exchanging fair commerce neglience an maliscious laundering of otherwise wsasteful practing unliscenced surplus annihilations in case U.N. childrens' trusts

and fight pirates fighting RICO fightind nations never attacking U.S.to overseas labor lawing miners tax and good ole buddy kickin' dinopoop perk fueled pension ever by ANY other corporal casino prison regovernor for record spoils of looting The Four-Winged Dinosaur pride bragging right-to-image  with discount hairstyle servicing each and every day with only direct deposit and mgt chauffeurs (another laissez-faire so republicon loved as liberty hound going with freedom fry self-censorhipping groupthink buzz directive op commands still athletic enough to go fishing w/fishing buddy former v.p./moped drivers' ed instructor running for proffrausdyslxicliapolexia highered education voter curing prison casinosavericersions in pharmicutical insuranceaverice armed security for already healthy BMW mortgage comparerelite scouts besides fire adminisbranstradombination8tion direct deposit professor relocation in pro-orphan homeless 125th trimester family value home collections for mass atrocity bake sale to treat Darth Apthneurallheizerimorrageszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) such the longshot to crapschute as Marylindenburgherbraun Quayle beau with we-ness in spelling behive buddies' I-M-P-E-A-C-H-M-E-N-T reimbusrsments redressings restitutions recoursingss while no purchase/trade regards to incentive to allow selling back thefted dreams incentive refund bribe to no corrective deeds bull hockeysquat props with censor sorry demanding as-usual busines ligitimat integrity dficit in defamationary blackballer witchhunter marginalization industry convention for party of Eric pops Van Dergrossnusslelighplattsdadfoots ravenous cornfusion over revenge sadism swap -for-justice and kneejerk reactionary state of heightened bogus nose ginourmous security from freedom charges of not as well tailored and catered after Sudan, Balkans, Persia and Haity/New Orleans policice non-magna gratis carta pro ipsome Toma Bakerdozinzchollzer oleezearichestaag

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