Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Security help wanted

x: buy things
y: not under terrace duress pterodactyl terrier terrarium 
x: then explain buy things for sense of accomplishing accomplicement
y: no matter crappy or not business as usual
x: all of below don't get caught with cheating on milk money strength as team raping internationals coming up and all or buy things &so4th&so4th know who else never admit emboldening some one as right as self always?
y: Hatch Lott Gingrich Robertson Beck Hitler?
x: so close that ok just sign and buy everything gr8...
y: Dahmer Nelson Lu Harding Romney Duke Jones Cleo Abramoff Baker? 
x: look at time gee hope noting bad happens to you and loved ones and pets and hummingbird and freeconmediapress/church of option choice all liberated here bill pay quick or going to auction for rate increase admissions or die dying death take advice not want that see now at affordable premium channels rent due first not paid til third and everything when switch to no water and skip bread fish maybe gotta see and accounting expensive but not so much as pro orphan zombie clone life monopoly in winter heating negotiation time and combustion engine in new BMW mortgage combustion rate power juke therapy caralarmalarmist timecost share team no eyes though rearrange couple letters could bee m-e up scotchy notice why little old bidties gossip millionare love dance all not about money gigglegigle future yesterday just two days before

if Cloer right about Stevenson what St. Francis of Assisi sell tangierine deducing not 
walrus carry the nu pi rsq. to power of carry the one minus seven circumference administratively fiscal yaddayaddayadda Special Issues well could deduce not walrus
Cheyenne Autumn starring Richard Widmark: DVD Cover


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