Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Friday 21 January 2011

Covering cult implication being what makes a cult allegory not entrappment ultimatum coerscion as, say, metaphor grossly generalizing in specifics for something like perhaps totolitarianism suppose...) similie with the writer's son-plumbjobber/sports enthusiastophile BIG on patriots gameday stalking Johnson

dyslexic math deficit futures carrearing represenative self-presentions tax though gay rights meathookmommy nanocracy militaunteary superioripop complectckx industrial state so miserably less social making great montage  exercise in fascism with every pro-life orphan of future less resembland folklore perpetual mensuapause appearing as case so happens to may be hypocritical in contradictory avarice selective dysfunction and cruel to frostbite amputees in USA not supporting combustion engine parade expendatures trimming fiscal resposive regovernation retrimmings remoustacioed reglitterattiified money better spent on corndog-on-stickdeephotoil culinary edu. (4cornpornhole taste sensationabubbles) online loansalesa-gram-shark adventuraland than Terrance Hill by point currently stretching

for record groove both sides all 2n'd hand big mickey smoke threat to combustion engine healthbreak with girl on street amongst snowblowerwurks new bottomfeeding swingprofesoringadministraion assurance in righteousness nearly virginiaslimultralite100fromabox all visible  Cronkitenasa.PNG in 54th trimyster all about being in the alien know love of job morality again never about cost of parading kids' b-cause consent athletic commerce and leisure benefit analysis for folks familyvalue oriented to feign 
illiteracy w/out malicious negliges so hot one and one b eleventy-seven condomnilangzeitgeistinguistsas proper such effort mruhmmphfhmmuumph hmph mmpmh 
aum  vroom aum

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