Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Saturday 23 October 2010

Happy Elvira this Roctoberligious holiday season!

Tenatively titled; Where Wings Takes Scream  

*Ding dong*
Rumpelstiltskin: "Who is it dear?"
(witch opening candy and frosting covered gingerbread door...)
Group (pack?  troop?  crash?  simultaneously as door unlatches and cracks open revealing witch proboscis at front porch fulla of mustacheioed bad haircut chunky squat cloned farts "TRICK-
Witch (cackling "Yes????  And who-"
"I'm Terrace Brainstread  here to help withfifltphthe farm foreclosings this harvest.

Screaming throughout grainbelt ensues mysteriously ceasing

The Solitary Man starring John Llewellyn Moxey: DVD Cover
abruptly at Canadian Border and Ivory Towers of UI where upon approach one is faintly able to discern "I'm Pflhuhlipeedittty Jones and this is my litigationa8or Alfredo Parsnip (exchanging loving glances) *eherm* and I first came by about 40 years ago on a tax tuition and corpfueled salary but now can afford to assist Higher Education with humainitittiey of exampling enforced entertainment and tortelleining exercise with my new BFF whom you may remember from Alford days and remember where he was in '84...!"

when screams begin offstage (presumeably exhuberently charged subcommittee spaces for Joe and good ol'e blues boys bands' brothers' plumbers' studies in student loan sales training, telemarketing and panhandle distinguishing occur-pretty much all but tweet exercise porn and even then) reaching levels matching that of surrounding municipalities until nearby stadium marching band, overhead low flying passenger jet and crowd kickoff become inaudible though cacophony of turkey flock calls resembling  words "gotteaparty?' discerning as if floating about ocean of noise occasionally and solitary calls of "-stamp acts! draw and quarter acts!  Git chyer stamp acts!-" perhaps even occasional scalping moromon [sic]recruiter selling Corinthians from a pamphlet to minors; "peanuts!  frosty malts!" that sorta thing

Witch: (closing door) told them to return with the reimbursements dear.."
Rumplestiltzskein (snoring now faintly from radio can be heard Rob Paravonian medlyonage [for lack of diction])...
  hm  aum  vroom

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