Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Thursday 26 August 2010

Founder wot institutied International Question Authority Day

How's all that planning for S&M titual where boys dress funny in helmuts have tax/tuition/corp funded staff make good with brain surgeon pompom squad in research orrices on pro-life orphan consent posterity & from filffest resources older website ghost returns hotcha (click pict


Erasure?  Better grab an Tesaurusactyl-hold it;   how that work?

Ready for this-(deep breath...)

Un-learning falsities so under8ed http://images.Quebles.com/hotmail/emoticons/1511766.GIFheavysighhttp://images.Quebles.com/hotmail/emoticons/1511759.GIF never fade away like immutable; been reading Aquinus?  Reaching for the Aristotle/cave painting actually with all the "hey let's undo 4000years of idolatry to fill combustion engine with dinosaur poop gay lifestyle and replace muffler-sparkplug-combustion engine carburetor with digital hydrogen-lithiumsolarwind pwred jetpak/waterslide trasportationsystems" so much in freeconmediapress L8ly with no mention of formulaeus for prevention of Haitian poverty-Grenada invasion for $8oo pentagon hammer/toiletseat or dyslexia/\aixelsyd pre earthquake/monsooning sports solicitation seasons & cure for administrative pimparist future lobbying sales valedictorian v. v.p. Demolay ready to believe in local meteorologist suit and pick-up manufacturing distributoer marketleading consentians which are merely understood givens and as with auto emissions more invisible than tobacco enjoyment amongst some denizenry to be health threat warranting sloppy haste legislation in embolden trigger happy police in every kitchen nursery and higher learning classroom speaking of whichwhich not part of preamble, unanimous declaration or Magna Carta of Mexico again neither ever attacked nor attacking never again unchecked aggrsive nose tackle...


(yes; prahna [sp?], aum)

try interpreting "the rest " from perspective of "beware " stretch (pretzeled?  Silly Puttied?) into "beware military sports industrial theater superiority complex"..let know if that works...
...try slowly...
...with caution...
...perhaps apply modicum of provincially algebraiac touch of proverbial "word gets around guys talk ya hear things" along lines of wives' tall tellings about" helps if they think you're dangerous" as humpty pushed into boy crying and wolves and little chikens' gizmo devices alltogether@onceinsynchrotaneouswindtunnel phenomena while life happends during other planning tense; anyhelp?  Nothing?

Wow did I miss some fireworks sounds like...

As observedly trained first responder but first a free entity with know and live the thorns and roses of being there instead of hearing later or overhaul in aftermath solely comes responsibility by realiz8ion via what possible to affect and appearances never to be mastered by nature of quantum mechanics though better tutorial has done amazing things and  in interests of education may propose an "International Question Authority Day" with amnesty, liberty, and justice for to all...

"gummint" though?  What the skinney on this Gummint biz?  Yosimite Sam been by?   Reintarnation?  That when return to world as hillbilly?  Been reintarnated?


   hm  aum  vroom  aum

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