Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Thursday 1 July 2010

Ohyeah just see if king of america not funny and her royalhiheighness court of assholiness this guy thuh-hersday psychepsychepsyche though somewhere and could it be whirrled not prep'd gay marriage dienda

Teddy Roosevelt's wives' husbands other maiden names plus more nuquantum mechanics for instance truth rearing ugly-bumpinhead as if Joe the Yoyomama stalking and so just so happens walking seeing Oxycoton Limbuhrger sittting upon, you guessed it, apple pie lady liberty's face, y'know, 4 ratings when in preparation Bishops' sunday buffet big announcement wait 4 it....
quizing all last 40 decades thru eternia then
Sartre a priest a rabbi and ah buddists drinking in an Irish sauna tavern with skylights; explain calculus rate for posterity hotcha nxt hint
negative space gestalting storks delivering porcupines and bobcats
  hm  om  vroom  om


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