Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Sunday 6 June 2010

On the repositioning future to fun-run on Laddie Gagnha-centered scheduling advantage


Hiaku Theoligarchcratic

mountains & people
peoples of sea ice rhyme that
with blue like sunset

oh PIMPocracy Ruuulz holdouts 4 full Hueyouson re-poragewhere's pipeline clog? some switch mid-am or companies what start  w/"e"& end in "nrron just busy wife swapping wait 4 return of vinctcentorium secrecy shhhhh
statistically  the percentage of 47 non-coerced prostituional anti-fag sex or not justice still neither justice of the peace's piece nor legal know one else has opportunuitittyiey to invest liesure time to read Paine naturdilly lampshades then soap armbannding loyalty oathswappining with complete ignoranced wards of beached hindetititenburhrer keel pantyaloones keel special rite & saucey marketing Luther et. Galleleio vagidinners not on jump flights so tallahassse looks deeper than the farts of bestest TX second opinions avasailabbubble-istic with bonus form filling upon request and what pressure now sporetas

  not seeing an exxesscion of yellow ribbons exported outta Uganda L8ly...just sayin'...  desert complimentry isit tuff that in the pipe & smoke a snorkling porpoiseritelesson couse all riggeged cemptin raw tritiumsueage canal passage toll trolling   then suppose not all 4framing tigger paychck enthralled firearmbadge & paycheck stallin4 yeeehooter tururncoatkeys with no exxclusionary slips on that deficit x'entiture curr'nc devalu8ion rtethere  a good theological seminar being missed anywheresbueller 

 hm  om  vroom  om

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