Recalling last successful republicans before Nick and Dixon and no not Ann what was third one taxexaxtecuting taxasipinnæx no not after Prescott though older than Dixon whaat that third, no second, no thirdwell eh definitely not taxpaying eæcxuroionerrsanhmmm there power broker Johnsons not about oil but not certain if Ike older than Ford than when then Solomons ghost writers and Jeffersons' ghostwriters and Dewey and spudsman Marylins' surrogade buddy and a dog and no not um guy after the guy uh well uhm third v. psychologic of journalism and board of psychiatric studies of psychology w/ Phil Jones employeeing folksy attourney hiregettes & Cagney & Gacey and BTO and Palin not Tom Gagney and Sarah Turner but other than UI can't come up with third one could say "my bad" leave at that but no, something more eloquent how about something kids can relate to or something...hmm wait there was a third one how about from now on only answering unsolicited emails with "Alison" in subject or adress box or what was that one before the djelly donuts and french cruller not the one with what are the one things called not shavings that's the stuff no what was topic of first thing after fishing and all the reminssces about RedGreen and SNL and the third one darn it what was that not there or oops something like uh as if uhm like
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