Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Friday, 27 January 2012

what wrong with moonbase Newtpitor unless wrong moon just one around Newprune or, that other uhm one one what is..between asteroids and well definityly first two moonbase Newtpitor and second one let's ask taxeecuclusionsstate regovguy Nupttune , Newpitor moonbases and Pailin? no after disney dog moonbase bet before asteroids p-o-t-oto-r-or-o-r-onepioutonomonopia princess alpho moonbase Newpito to moonbase Palatoliunn moonbast asterodscome moonbase...wait no pltorpuptentmarsbots come in marsbots incomeing siganlal from Checkers moonbase Newrpiter though theer's another....around Reanreturning yellleader investment since first discovered at UMN 1319 by Princeton graduate now free for mobile communication device in ballet&yoga class&library AND during 5 ton combustion engine vehicle operations here thunkt Yale with Elvis studies double+likely4retreegovernor can't imagine why abdventurse of Missmeterrolomawomangycredit rates accountessing in fullness blossoms tardyflunck say houwse that airfilter hardly just Ktnentstatertotterors tuition fruition emission standardouss the sextuplet jeopardy 22

seeing all sudden chad surplus THERE'SANOTHER&SOMEMOE plausabbly just appearing for retooling hydropnoicgiculture expo quick motiv8 autoassembly and killer robots to lettuce headwrap dept hey Quoolaid with independent preservatives isolating infinity for justice 10 more busines[sic] days wait on next direct deposit no sweat swearing and scavenger hunting deliciousacacies of hummeringfinches within Chick Deney streeleyeshot titintiumpeppers backup teazerspreiy called it enlighten age because just b4 were going to discover solar power conpolarissultations via Nancyoujapollsouceonomics indicateing surveys showing reliable polls during supreemes overniteguardsshifghanging as per code of student conduct righttomhoneybaker ipso misprerepresrntative of monitor armed mercenary pimp for nonrentcontrol training pottys of 17-yr-olds near bi-decambianceciles plus 12 carry the one real businessworld posterity preparations accosting pithily silliuhmvertismentarketting and pesky architecture humanity +/- venivdediwaddumchu came seen boogie on all jiggy place team no we-ness in team fartypantscults mormons nofart condens8i8ing vapor lock (think of glaciers and aquafersstill there just preservationinging in water tower for service to consumervoter with bartering dollar libertreesbreezeneedsybeesy lambs eat oats and does eat oats just sayin' sassaucy) in whose camp's watch got the holy father a lead slug for X-masss9nein9 and cultco party of rearingringing  loch sodium raisinettes younghanimous monolpinimy freezing assets overseas for patriot de-fluidequidity wasn't greens' trickledown overseas avarice thrilling waking up to stranger daughter of someone everymorningweirder without wine ladies or song mostly song reimbrsing reredressings Terancehillstreertblues orderigng laws made by camp Romneybertson fresh yesterdeimously ajust a start on H4HW-2 disbarment and impeaachable as regret for not explaining floss to Fallwell  next round proporpoiseseails bonusround colada'n'milkphoneinn from colonel Xbox undisclosure localousourippixas

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