Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Pro ipso ad facto nauseum bono quo

Dear Hustler,
I have never thought I would be
writing you this letter.
Thin and pleasant goes
the afternoon's removal
and subsequent discussion.
It's dark inside the balloon.
I look like a broken light bulb.
I threw a rock through
an anonymous window, hoping
for a kind of expression.
It went like this: trees
were tinkered with, shoelaces
went untied, then she
opened an atlas circa 1923.
"I've been there." I said,
pointing at the world.
-Keith Driver

as one started post-secondary ed in Utah and one had a decoder ring that made people famous or something l'il help meanwhile whispers of unpublished H. Tarlek poetic manuscripts abound

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