Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Monday, 22 March 2010

Mom, y is sky blue & just what do K. Harris & that nuconfreemediapress telee exec "think" totalitarianism are?"


4 all the kids not wanting to believe food and chocol8 aren't powerful drugs, the enzymes given off elecrtoneurochemically plus adrenal glands during exercises of power laughter and/orgasm (not no much for dict8ors apparently as too busy hating users of tobacco products and being chauffeured) and auto emissions not mind altering chemicals not dangerous second-highhandedly apparently as less spoken (Competitive and Green by D. Kinlaw) of and visible due to possibilities of rock lyrics destroying national economy and causing dis-ease previously unimaginabubble like that west avian denile radon swine misquite saucey goodness pulling (polling?) republican pork junkies and promote streamlining via combining ATF with FDA (FAATDFs?) and getting an armed unit of hall moniters who hate their parents bucking promotion to camp in every kitchen rot8ing monthly mayhaps, y'know disembubble unrest think how the dems could benefit with more savings and elephant rides and coupon printing win-win, y'know 4 chldlr'nsz

How much for mediacomcablewirelessphone when can do self 4 free but have nice clean man from midamediabubble in gnu van drive over bicyclists to get here and wait 4 a paycheck like an administr8or routine yawn sure could just write a check to congress to not declare war with countries nvr attacked U.S. not about people or oil but about oil tuck under people free Exnron & take Joe the plumbers' cousin the skinhead bobblebowling for Ohpra buckets or just take look at armed 19-yr campus safety leather fetishists in uniform protecting aministr8ors-in-wait for corp welfare bones and tax tuition raising bonus protecting common good from avarice fraud waste abuse boogieman and kisses off lips of Condi or S. Alfordspleasant hairstyle till check clears routine monday business


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