Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Dear Mars,

Still on Gregorian calendar in curved Universe trying to form all steel guitar Iron Maiden cover band, how's things?
Ah yes a customary poem for the use of libraries as rec centers, daycare facilities, and nucloset child/spousebeater parental imbefacilities accommodating pregrizzled youth and self-destructiveteen fairs, y'know, to cheat good teachers into the french foreign legion


Love the love river
cloud fields out feeding
sandbars for bison wildebeast and delta to sea
and back in volcanic reeflife kaleidescopic
bluecurrent and mountain much to breathe for and peace

What's with the moose? Geek wildebeast burger?

Oh for the good of the country? Gee, may cover costs after cell/mobile phone lobbyist restituion, reimbursement, redress of grievance fees and services rendered to not have to explain truey things to young people (nosale in the timeslot for floordusters and pizza boxes there?)...

...then how come no peeps ct. contact ordering with P. Mcgrawification of quality info handling and literacy rates amongst 26-year-olds, hmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooohhhhhhhmoooooommmmmmmmprahlympicpahloompahhhh subcommittee, Chicago deleg8tion to Orationovalorales Office(s)? Got the heavy pay-4-workload treecornfigur8tion plan izzit?

Now if at home work spousal units with 7.236 chilldunzand triggerhappy promo coffekake careerist fam val oriented personelle carring badges and bringing back tax funds could just devalue the dollar longer enoungh to viol8 rights subtlelike then the equality to somedegree in pepski pubes yeux of Clarence's wife then what's under the robe will be free to be porny and cleanly enforceable, no? Gotta fly it by cults neat lakes of sodium firstly O'r'nfish, ya? If they're all that psychotic perhaps it's screening and training-preamble mostly preventaitve entre and all, right to arm and keep bears more as defense taking field and mound to quarter troop for throwing strikes as logistics than languistics though if unaccostomeded to vernacular suppose non-consentual moustache in perfect order oh look! Bubbles! Hannyhoo...
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