Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Un mot; Utah...

From the dept of "may hafta throw ya over for a skirt":

Emeril cooks like a girl- don't take this wrong though; some chatshow hosts should stick to teeveegaming adverts hell, free country! Ref: gay marriage v. sanity; just lookin' @ Newt; happy fellar now and Rush's medicne cabinet-chock fulluh goodies the neighborhodd has to keep up with... right Buller? "Gitmaghraib" Dobbs? Bueller? Big Tomatoe Baker? P-Jonesadidamajizzle? "Doooomeeesousaphone" Sal Mason and the Regentseeyya? Dr. Takeshi? Bueller??

Bayonnette in every kitchen...KrispieKake; more of a pasterie than a leather-truncheon-paycheck-badge-firearm-nervous-twitch-neither-pee-in-public-nor-interferance-with-official-can't-happen-here-obstruction -action-bayonnette-in-every-kitchen-for-Orin-sorry-about-your-daughter-requisite-blue-dipthong for Lott cakey ([sic]"...yeller...sun ain't yeller; 's chicken[!]...") product dillyo go figure....Regents? Bueller?? (believe it all to be for the goodnes of court in session justice without recourse to unlawful orders?) But to reelyreelreeeleeytruely love reeealiteay teelee-visoirs but hate (in ENGLISH!) With accompanyment and HUGH HUGH budgetary [rise for the loyalty oath salute marchnow doublegoosetep and to freefo-wer ) to not waste time and money there's Mitt's Sunday School(hint: think wealth enforced insurance savings tax funds with the sweatshop cash sved via sweatshop labor dept....) resplendant with appears to be as views of Orin's bridgepartygoers are to Ms. Di Sawyer PTA after hours with t-shirts wot sy "me uthuh husbuhundz izz MohMuhn" or sumphin' Prace youl pokel plison polkel now!

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