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Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Thursday, 31 January 2008

Ok, getting there, going up on Dave's picks, I can feel it...

Must read, knowledge is bliss and all this is one smart man, knows of what he writes. And the language most user-friendly no lie.
And yeah, it's a 2007 publication but this is not easy, folks, and that's putting it mildly.

Also just read Plato's Republic (after all these yars reading Hume, Foucoult, Tillich, Sartre, Aristotle, Socrat8s, Teilhard De Chardin, Albert E., Mahatamus Ghandi, even some Plato, and god knows what else &so4th wouldda thunk I'da gotten 'round to getting through the Republic fer sweet one pound 8oz baby jeebuz' sake) reading a book on Vietnam written by an actual former ('61-'68) ambassador to Japan/'39 Harvard Ph.D. grad/WW2 Mil Intel Serv Lieutenant Colonel/President of Assocition of Asian studies ('55-'56)/andonandonandon thathorseisnotdead thathorseisnotdead thathorseisnotdead thathorseisnotdead called Beyond Vietnam:the United States and Asia named Edwin O. Reischauer published in 1967, and a book I just found Called Why America's Children Can't Think-Creating Independant Minds for the 21st Century by Peter Kline published in 2002, I believe, good stuff!
I'm liking them because they all deal with 'Gee, maybe we approached the situation shortsightedly and lost track of how to ask the right questions...' thinknessing.

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