Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Caucus eve!

I soooooo just sent the following to the State's Attorney General's Consumer Advocates' office, hotcha! I'm still getting mileage out of Bob's "...It helps if they think you're dangerous..." criticism (from other 'writwit') and Steve Alford jokes!
Miss me? It's me! xxx-xx-xxxx! But honest...‏
From: domartyn@hotmail.com
Sent: Wed 1/02/08 2:47 PM
To: Att Gens (consumer@ag.state.ia.us)
Your Internal Revenue Service (I know, different dept, not your job, whatever) rep hung up on me today after inquiring as to routine protocol, and I'm thinking, 'What sort of message does this send the taxpaying business community denizens with it's upstanding law enforcement ethics of bad legislation that hasn't been passed yet?' Was it the rhetoric? I mean, I took time from my personal lunch break to hopefully get some clarity, after being interrupted during business hours from another call from the Mssr. Edwards camp, when all I asked was when I could expect a tax reimbursement for all the cell minutes the highly service-oriented phone company was going to charge me whenever that Obama fellar or J. 'Carolina Boom-Boom' Edwards wanted me to caucus for them tomorrow and would I receive double for the calls received after requesting removal from their phone lists? For that matter perhaps triple or quadruple for after 2nd such demand, or pentuple/sixteeninial (didn't want to get all greedly just after happy fatbutt Santa day [I'd already written his industry before crunchtime] and all) after the 4th and during an interruption like this should I lose my employment and wife would I get a free country western album as a bonus? I understand there's a bigbig chunk of investment here with issues of representation, but she wouldn't stay on the phone for me even long enough to ask if she could patch me into your tax-funded office, assist with a number, or just a reference to an office of "yeah we really give a carp (yes I typed "carp")" even though with time short the effort to seek transparency on behalf of my weak and worthless consumer brain reeling from the ravages of years in and out of the educational system, veteran duties, and public service (not necissarily in that order) and hopefully for some benefit to others seemed like a swell idear. Maybe you could check through, that is if you're not too engrossed in catering plans for the next tea party with Tom Baker and Phillip Jones at the U of I or anything.
Well mymy, now it's "back to work for Algrenon as break's over" as they say out here in the commercial world of rightousness, though wishing you and yours a safe and happy New Years!


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