Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Green democracy China prosperous spæcific ærisartrole a gonna have loophole surplus annihilation doctrine requirement goround reunanimatedponydundancythunkdtin' (there goes!) so gotta raise feeforfuntoll cherrypieholenoire stability of poppedtrice buttertreat during previews in trailer

though hafta ponder that a religious  opium of x-masses religious conflictual skirmish or just pep rall to gear up for...oh what was ...that one thingie with the stuff and the mohondas and mount 421 and uh not that other thing yeah difinitely the thing that wasn't first two things other one maybe some help and can just jump back 1/3 way into just time for direct deposits anyallwaytime in world forget New  Orleans  years to come by or Tokyo or Haiiti or that thingie with the ten animals on the boat swallwed by the fog of freindly pharoh's Johnaleisteoscenic era just before letters to Saul oh!  Bhagvaaad Gita no, that not really john baptising stuffers thingies after sunday school when no one attacking  go practice blowing stuff up and executing wrong boogie families in case persianzilla needs hell (recalling how after blame Gary Hart thenback to blame Harriet transition teams history with survey polls saying sources indicated literacy had folks still with checkers out for walks on Berkokoreshazinski pass by of offensiver throttle tigress or play fake particularly when Condi unable to foreign policy way outta anaheim and still no invasion forves infiltrating from Bolivia to rob taxautionstate of charisma and manchurian former OSS revamp czar misbelievet to retain general Haig[ret.]'s skylab[sic]) going to stangulation governors job security from Kentstatemascott house on Rock abuywell not heaven with Robertsons through Utah could skip when could go in styling duress vehicle maintenance opetation stress anger class cancellations shuttlelightrailcorridor seal abuse governor ordinance or else not levitating could be against  Jesus but uh hmmm... campice deanlist headhunting probliss project bootscootsn then back to laughing dance safety and someone said comedy in taffeta for humanityhoodkind exclusivity [sic] blackelk stampeedes hoopie custeroronado scencesavers all ensuing  riotous theater in cowded ballet of hot molten plasma after a beckwinfreilibbaugh treecornfigure8 låthergear bonus Amincondigrinch retro say foreinstance rings of SATAN  that it! bunch o' lib lucifphthagoreous er prometheustinsle regulations gonna ruin casinoprison system so good no, uh, hmmm...just well just in case acciderntal poopasauruspowerecraftuninsured  jumppatrumpoffrailslannilieleigh with every flue floss special this round of gifting as stranger things

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