Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Just another incentiful fishing casual weekend as usual ooh look a commerce parade right in freeconmediapress parade with no room to stop for reason fill the tank!

...drop everything higher ed from state with regovernating moustache and not enough expectorant realestate administrators to bring starving Haitians while business college never again attacks athletics and leisure therapy scholastic grant legal staffing and arts brokering so saving some money already not having to trim salary direct deposit though nu pimp makeover and creditcards would be nice could suppose while preparing wardrobe designs for gem pumps, blue tritium floss, and timberwolf stole...

again how about a little help from state here as taxpaying librarians holding out on NBA potential chauffeur bonuses not to mentioning sufferers of foo'ball pre-pro marketeers that need new cheeseburger supplies to drizzle specials sauce on stuuutbodyguard blaupunkt of alarms for car alarms what???!?!?! NOISEPOLLUTION????!?!!??  HUH quick swap and auctioning governors glitterati to curtain recall it'll be just like cheerleading practice at yoga class buck nekkid in misogynisticism even for a Tonya Nelson-Grace how could get so to supremacist some kinda irony implication all subtle though likely not Harvard even for Kinkos employees' toddler care covered by obscure entities such as church and ooh what other one where there could be an alpha ostriincisor head oz or guapo furvor over best fed power junkie entitlement even if rigged by  armed team of good guys looking out for everyone else with no propers just measly slightly bigger than  directdepositing administrators protecting those greedy nursing teacher day care cooking show for masses instructional viewers eating up all ths Rachquelle Raisins' famous marketing barely enough time for kids outta control and whose fault is that with everyone ignoring quality product during writers' strike times or grade conditions when graduate teaching staff untenured and carpenters mad dash for blue moon special luxury item no life threatening duress security issues over again and beyond there...

... hiybbprqag aum



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