Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Prior to "break out the pom-poms it's emminance domain on opinions/ideas pay now or wait until APR (Martha Jefferson called it so no blaming Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt)", BEST WISHES+AWHOLEMUCHMANYMORE PROPERS to:

Henri Matisse, Mohandas Kingsley, Donn Summer, Sir Anthony Hopkinsand Andy (knighted yet Duked/Arch Lorded/anything...) Summers, hmm think maybe forgetting somebuddie belated there's Dr. Ciofalo's grandson's dad and uh well isn't this the sausage brine of course actually having been there perhaps the "was L8 for own funeral" Governor Ooops consultations René Decartes think not Texas loyalty pay cult tax that about Orin Salt Loch St. with Osmond admission tithetollfee  in seeing what happens as human beings villiage mistaken for real corporate Otis and Murphy

Friday, 30 December 2011

tang, 3d glasses, warsh machine by cric after caow mop and chicxzafix'n's..

teleovangovernors attempting statue of trojaneagle play near surplus annihilations billing litigator trough in name of higher learning posteity or something  (And to reiterate: THERE WILL BE NO DISRUPTION OF THE JANUARY 3rd CAUCUS!) though post  messed up lyrics "refugee everybuddies' gotta grapple to be frree bigol' jet at the lalalalighthouse" booshrounthe AM   dialaumeter supposter  just  invented  lunalanding  deniajust add the Yakkity Sax voilà lightsabre facturer grade discgolf flipchipper fresh cuppa hoihoi boosh

Thursday, 29 December 2011

here's rust and surplus annihilation bills inheritence for posterity, kids

plus that removing freewill from pro orphans of all trimesters attempting for uber eternia stuff still collecting as fake interest from 
newtgrinch haircut viscious totalitarian hyperbole and cult resemblance could still've being coincidence  how clever thanks rewarding plent
forget how connect 2D Duke Tpedat Budnickrobbachersunmondy loves witchunting taxpayers for loyalty lampshades and soap anyone long as money in wondercrit  why occupiers not involved in hooplah criticalars over robber baroning naww still sticking with reimbursement good call compounding daily with collections retrieval 
controprervesry on abuse waste and third thing what was that uh just had here second ago hmuh for really around here somewhere no first two just  not uhm hmmwell suffice in saying so to speak in generaluh

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

could always pay admission on revolvering credit for bester view seeing kids inherit rust while @ prisoncasino good start for not even yet "12's working swell if not sweller than day before thunktlikeuhm uh and uhm archduchess poopoo doctouerettes honoraireay via Sqkwsuksia[sic]

dastardly infiltr8s system frightening voters under threat uglyheadrearing of newtresentation"11's still got rock~leap do overs jump mulligan swap options on calling quorum opposed take all plauseaboosh thoeries known of in known universe circling one armed 19-yr-old  M. Cheney neverfished with including replimpblimpconusus pro orphan pehaps campi hallmoniter vehicle interium or adminiexecutive litigator waiting room same turf (fast food riverside  parking lot jurisdiction appearently) on spotted nape dove grizzling  fully amongst office memorealming as studies indicate recent polling saings surveys close to sources leading sources clearly show researchers a naked palace is as ghost thesaurus to nude emporesses as stealth music typeo

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

fruititarian pretty quiet pro orphan seemed angry

on coach dolly shouts of theater in crowded fire part of 2nd ammendment as shut up to Mt. Sureman treecontextplumpblimpre clinic shooterseason not close to 14th or 1st being preamble even in TX,UT,MA, AK, Waco nor OK other than normanaly MI 5rd nor 3th even up past 14th ammendment flounder moments special an little no wonder    unpriorer hence unanimous declaration posterity oh uh and uhm the uh like footware too dye for as menu taxform today lemon slieeshiee  how labor intensive almond flour tortilliaaahs brunchbreakmidsnakgrubbinyumtimes adynamisitile on retool for sail mobile paid quality detailing no voucher just go-go option educations health concerns so safe mufflerators...

Monday, 26 December 2011

now to just return all dinopoop power hysteria to impress kids internationally

frantic wreckless abandon not so much "doing stuff" infacto form of negative of doing as cause no harm "better proximititmoose morecoolererest" even holydays seasonssalesevents HEAVY (And to reiterate: THERE WILL BE NO DISRUPTION OF THE JANUARY 3rd CAUCUS!) put what exactly on revolving credit to honorsurplusannihilation councilors again dear and whatsosleepy ok just call if need ride and take bazooka in case mennacing humming dove with funny stuff well hannyhoo may call Joe  the piper and don't stay out too late just gonna half some leftovers and watch snowfallgasoffrightzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Saturday, 24 December 2011

yesknowy do adxuiniwonkprobehviuniȉng orphunts bis manilattouney payola directdeposit4 own behavior cuts 2

if not for travell no wonder treeplforeign hardware store 2 miles from pumpkin junction darn stocktingtd crik warsheolvisautorepetebazzoka sur hummingdovesoBAZOOKAH

 sportsmunlikev. mouningfinch joeyeagalispie yamweigh popcorn currency devalue coupons  hohohoyawnwhooooheeehehehahahahohohoBOOSHoho

Friday, 23 December 2011

brace for BOOSH

mercan one Happy Holidays from Google!flunked up grammarmost indiginiem speaking mexamigaos properer Englishthan then  and so 4mer to BOOSH...

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Chad Harris thinking "how sorry" 4 crashing hydroponics when pepperspray surplus annihilated next holydays last her mancane like the ladies thirdleg not just newtronian mistress pet cuddle pillow spittledrooldrool oysterpie lovetap even pesto ipso nausaeus cacti practice dipso flunktardyiem

gollyshucks whole factoropoly trust cranking out dutyfree televangeponzies nano to ginourmliath even& after Murphy Brown suffere'o'fferedfreddie  noelredingnose as ripe tomato holy mourning finch humming dove holers catwoman MO St. senate still never invadeninged from mound thowing strikesdefensively where bazooka roaming nice guy seemed angry joe with  tie sayings is ads as b/weens veotele uh stuff uhh uhhhm so happyquiet no we-ness chez WHOLE team house packing meat glitterati prison casino caribouy other theososophiholideim carpeu pumpkin sMMMfreshcatch Muchmaquichi shrimpies off coastawhidbey far less exoarctic  than actual travel  the Munchma Quchi that near the V.I. or up Mt. Merci cafe by gorgonzolla

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Check that sole spin doctors kicked living snot & beans outta Joneser Jeebbuth little known Crockpot could that actually gateway paraphilallia leading to harder than your husband to get along with ciders nice try hodgepostman props for girlpants corduroy floss A in THIRSTory but F not ®agnarȭk plus C+ bis t-t-taiming and uh stuff and uh uhhm

Underdog in support of earnest savings lighting special holidays festival for kids of all ages HOTCHA pro orphan 70th trimyster +/- alfa elf rouge to Maccabean double nog friendly order on the posterity fly pro orphan 777th tierymyster +/- charta here somewhere ooh where that thing...S.M.A.R.T.ly justice mousenurseSTAT and that other oh well what that other one no not the stuff one about the thing but the nagdabbit oh well another generation lets do oh perhaps math what threat thing Kent State mascott not so much Swaggart U standart foam that one more thing Jersey Christie college training kids to be ignorant of  or just child abuse in Manilla convieiently near Ambomoff brokererage as Utah is to string beans LocOrin and..uh hmmm camp something, what was that the thingie with the cheerleaders and gameshow contesta fasion gromming and Winkendale's no not that one the thing with fiscal familial goose responsibubble reimbursement should accedental piehole toxins fraud dutying starryskyseasons bed in breakfast TOAST Christianna Mickietunklyatyadiddle'ngrijizzle no hmmm that ooh what the can't just quite uh...hmmmhuge outta proportion queerness should Mr. Thomas Loafer become real wooden corpor8tion couldn't just switch branches maintaintax funded 401K and  and lifetime appointment cumme buiyeehaw tenure without having to check fake certficate of visitor visa as coulda been appropropiated professor of jury and taxecutions partyland settling say pubespl-pl-pl-plebes in all easter  hay with no offense MAGIC last dwindles of elvielvins get'm  sizzly up to 12thveshotcha anyone seen ol' Mortyarrazi off Lowe's baccis onto soup de corleone au riviere got Stakinger's chez Kafkascakefam secure then gotscript and start with consreplumpblimping coching NewYork no wait not renewpublicyokieshens what was  on there ajusta kilmileo'metre'a'gogo aw shoot NO NOT  L>A oh l.l.> second or two about got it maybe CFBN wolf well may be aasta ööhön was oops...

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Acceptance speech on exceptence speach par example in fake attacked by Satavahanans or was that last summer and instead of Satavahanans was it Tulunids rule Checkerers or just Bersekowittschitz...

along lines of point of order querry BCeSs oafical rules of Newtag is it rebozzoed or doublerebozoed to not payback student loans by example leadership prime orders of exadutivministrators new Porsche mortgaging 8.5742 time ethically making direct deposits by child abuse via labor fascist regulation show many recycleabububble instanciations parameters JPEG blog addressease hint poorn considering touchbachsatelite gameshow haircult represenative far from UT as O.Jaywinfreetlejuiceprah innoscents and Hardingnelson fullthrottle handsfree allstars while operators permit in hands of 14-yr-old l'il TXTerrs belief in wonderwrongfull  psychic premptive gangreengrinchstory class56 downhall this stutterlegal jointspecial sessions donnamess with steal charashimah great barrister bar AZ with TallahasseethomasleazeN-E-A-R  great maul traffiffc MN bring foam graffito sulationtagblogchicout le freaky-d-key harking b-r-r-r-r-r-ring it's the education system want's its literacy out of harms way...

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool
solicitorphesus egg chickening reimbursment fraudsponsibility

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