Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Monday, 3 May 2010

Y Justice and Health frequently on completely different sides often several unified and at minimum 2 than activities of law and medicine amazing

here kids try this; next time in air terminal just start snappin' "NURSE!" as just stricken w/ touretts-don't stop looking 2 get held back a flight heck play cards well may get fitted with new jacket like ones have sleeves tie in back may even getcha break from the parents for a while so hang in there-food may even get better then on to a few publications, an honorary degree and possibility 4 Pulizer or Caldecott get asked why say "cause couln't make up live animal in luggage jokes with 'THEATER' in crowded fire"

perhaps not enough retortedness w/spindoctor image PR fasioneering strike or something....
perhaps mixedmessngry with recruitment/credit sales on campus of business and athletic scholastics venuing amongst vendors'clients bookeepingology in cheerleader locker room and about

perhaps swell con one pokernite in pork confinement casino comparing combustion engines and talked K. Harris into limelight 2 avoid having to xplain things to young folks

mayperhapsbees not a big consider8tion on following through forethunkt campaign lobby savings in others' times/monies efforts + hidden mobile comms and traffic casualities aesthetics cost & such as waterfeaturing when just coulda just rigged election for Phil Mc G & dumped bathwater dillyo

daughter in institutes of higherlearnin' & all studying finance administr8tion w/ puppies & pops' BMW all xpense paid towards career in making up student loan blues songs thinks "ROADTRIP!!"

perhaps come confusion by vast deferense in crime ratings amongst rentorly in college towns during that part of the month right around begining/end, about +/- 3 days from/two weeks pay in denizenomography not on yearly or semi-decadial salary


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