Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Oil on loam or missles don't start wars, lack of discretion caucauses prolifration behaviors though

purchase 'm pencils & puppies for higher learning and no emails nothing to hang on fridge just collects 4 wireless twitterrer (war on tweeterreranists? Ferrin'rs whipped fresh right after this now spores but first 72 Virginians) orgies and adnmiistr8or lit'g8ion as the future unborn pro-life orphans of 2morrow may sometime demand "was every American guaranteed the liberty to hear Caravan with a drum solar perhaps getting a GOPenthausenfuffer MILSPOR INDUST Superiority COMPLX financial service during a moustachioed NEOREPCONADMIN and convince into incentelivising Mexico into again never again not attacking Persia and never again never (not at expense of) just to check possibility because the clean up is better spent improving, say, plumbing in FEMA or Haitii or some trailer parks in/about DADE County FL that may, for the money, have submarine capacity to underride a tsunami (tell 'em, "oh of course it comes with the Tommahawk pork supertriplesizecombo facilities for riverboatswine corrections in case the Flying Tomato needs to go embarrass the fair and balanced [no mention of informed and knowledgeabubblle on bloody hellish logistical bungling that, hellish as is, aren't wars- hell at least implying recognition of human aspects of emotion however unelected the buck nekked emporess wisdom appearently no facebookings hmmmm {rough equvalence to om}]) reinterviceversaviewer with the $975 blowdry twice a week of pedicuring after 70 hours of shopping to become a porn STAR wood bee to the lichen) just to see if it can be done at risk to maybe a pro-life orphan ref. that gave it up for team or several to remember sadnessess from not onsides with angelness (sniff) or that the creationsim v. tommahawk grant package deal for dogwrastlin' contributions to helmut engineering sweatshop advance technologies presidenture assitance thong-bluing loopholes dept. can in supreem flossbubbled for posterity

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