Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Always needing Joe the off-duty administrators' cousin's police ditchdigger police

used auto salespersons police
and & quality socializ8ionworker police and prostitution police but more fewer though & counterfieter police & verisimilitude & mustneedsbees & hypochndria prescriptionist police and a tattoo pixie police force
there tat on the pre-schooler with a tat and puppy and cellphone and dad's keys and creditcards for college to get into commstudies to work with paycheck cashing on camera studio
crew what red white and glittery goes 800mph
Iszznit and Robber barons and atheletes to feed ant throw to masses to keep lions away and the sparticus bettime stories

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