Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Can see how alleged repubs may attempt "blame Martha Jefferson" for slumps in Amweigh sales....

....though "thought power junkie was dressed democrat" no reason to not test con thunk tank ops on chimpanzees first; for safety and ethics naturally...ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhmm

D.O.E. the one wot publishes books or reads them out loud just before naptime?

Not remembering Limbaugh's med ches prescipts pass retrievital and refresh, plzs though can see consturdvatismic second opt for fong 'caus his first name sounds moral might reinforce elephanitanicueurismal hemmoragge in brainzzzzzzz pass to kids behavioral po-licing to pass gas bill projectiture in thru deficite hole shebangary with young minds lookin to Swingin' Masson's box du vin goodfunaction and fuuuuuuture after for kid's consent of course it's legal after new amendments to be passed after test enforcements like juristiction over McD's parking lot Riverside drive I.C. (of course it's an accredited U; look @ admin and armaments!) for campus security and slogan comparing [sic] "Bransturd tomorrow; takin' it serious!" Case in point (nothin' agin'[sic] 5-cent "depostirefund" on classic sugar carbonated beverages from non-river water mind....):

meanwhile google this fav option:

“Krusty Endorsement: Christian Fong”

  • HawkCR1 wrote on 17 September, 2009, 10:56

    Spot on Krusty…

    Fong should be either running for Treasurer or running for Iowa Senate against Rob Hogg in Cedar Rapids…..not running for Governor…

"The world's a happyhappy toothpaste ad kids grow up strong so no requisite prosthetics or pay for Persian clean-ups and funarary servies with loot!"?? Rob Hogg actually not this guy (whew! Close!) Sure when recidivism's (D. cheney knows this word!) career movin' suppose psychiatriists feel threatenened after night in oaficer's clubbin's...

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