Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Another wonder-studied CPR and EVERYTHING (case he had to use it on a great friend)

How about having this guy over to give the kids some swimming lessons , maybe take grandmother out for breakfast at Bishops?


Support the troops, gay victims special rights marriages, liber8 Joe the plumber subcommitee enforcabububble fundraising, free Lisa Bluder and the Timberwolves, The Pee Jones Awards of 26 million, paying 40K to get K. Rove to SAYWHAT in front of the kids, the Girls Gone Wild Bus finally gets a parking spot on top of a Bicyclist for 6 hours without metermaid harassing while tough on crime and nothing to be said about the sanity of Orca (hey, remember when WBAL had her in that city where the Lincoln-Douglass deba8s wuzzzzz?) orational endorsee for campaignist residenthead decisive-izer (or mayhaps it must needs be's "vizah" [nawww~prolly not], What Roger's kid do to earn his pop that bumper sticker? Support athletic tutoring so T. Baker could pay off the student loans in time to defend the linebacker who gets to take his .40 Glock to the nightclub ("...but ma!... he's a Role Model...doesn't make lampshades or soap or ANYTHING")? Sell the most Girl Scout cookies or something? This close to 8-magic reindeer day-off plus or minus zero to uno or more plural being at minimum over one carry the pi ain't this new math almost pret'n'r easy as writing, eh college of Finance?(!) College of finance? You there? Bueller? Aw, prolly out for tea with Bom Taker and Cathy Lee Harvey Philbin between negotiating Hermes endosements to save 4-year olds' fingers from unemployment on a third world island in a pacific rim economy somewhere philanthropy and all...would not believe; oh hell late now~heard Discovery Channel's on a quest for Lobos Blinzer's moustache! (Don't tell them already got one, m'k?

Okay, maybe a couple more tunes:

Got any B.B. Rebozo tapes? Ok, then this & gtg...:


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