Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
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Monday, 25 February 2008

Got headphones? Remember this classic?


Is it evident I just watched Michael Moore's Sicko the other night? Made me remember leaving the cinema after Fahrenheit 911 telling mice elf "no a'thunkin' radical thoughts, not now,..." and why. Not a miss with the Sicko. Or, for for that matter the "Who Killed The Electrical Car" not a Mikey (can I call you that Mr. Moore? Like we're drinking buddies or something) M. and not a disappointment by any stretch, documentarily @ least.

Also from the somewhere under the radar archives:
"I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This" by Bob Newhart
"Physics of Star Trek" by Lawrence M. Krauss (more recently "Fear of physics", same author)

"Why Buildings Stand Up: The Strength of Architecture" Mario Salvadori ( http://www.salvadori.org )

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