Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Cold snap captures and Denis with new friend

  Chill  so so so a whole much

 must mean climate scientists  either need  more   trips to the Bahamas   comma better headgear
  or something like 
a very stable genius perhaps to show folks by example about fiscal responsibility and quality investing as opposed to throwing money into wine song 
and women (mostly song)

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool
solicitorphesus egg chickening reimbursment fraudsponsibility

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