Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Friday, 30 November 2012

such things as is they're their there science whilst stockholder nearly rhymes with comptrollerduh evermet Killswitch? No? Purityballs? Ok, save that4 'nothertime back to the eternia querries suchly Y bears h8 salmon more or less than elephants h8 peanuts & mices(?)

 personally requested Santa to bring fiscal fjiord but undersea upsidedown on monkey's paw plus campaigners promised *MOONBASE* saltair shangrila (accepting "shangrila" replaceminty with "paraheavadise'adiceyn"[sic]) with all financial backing so yknot & now know not even assisting with N. tsunami Sandy (labalia) exccepting the one leaderegovernor of Mr. Bruce Springsteen's state thus nu~retro friadeium uber under8eds most next to Drake atheletics progromme here in campusthire (inqureyies may be adressed via oaffice of student services legal begal top bueller [319]) draftyeasey mechanic separ8ional processed high fructose tea and not even Schwab Rowe Price no foolin' (Bueller Howe Bockenstread[sic] pioneering completely other can of boxed padoras worms altogether [izzzit!??!??!]) unless something freeconmediapress not forthcoming or else whoknows could be and anotherthing funny Nielsons stats coming in slow even for this east of Omaha on local news at 6-noon-6-5:30-9-10-&10:30/11ish perhaps some   hangup around GMT+/-

Thursday, 29 November 2012

JAR-justice acting rightously whellp (bonus "l" naturally) lunchbowl approxim8ly rhyming with loopholy wellwell double ultamato jeopardy rulesying class (?) speculatium wot buetteater'n surphinturph (sp?) @ breakfast where completely other deal that close to Hamburg Inn #57

buy bibye by proxy third party legal ponzie (see Fonzie disclaimer act) of spirit in hire education (any resemblance to regovernor or university student services T-T-Tommy Buller coincidence in decorum observance by local authority trust merely switch portophone provider and dial as were) clear can reinasure (sic) next

unbelieveabubble saltair footwearings in converatbubbles naturally always associtions with rivercasinoprison rendering scholasticity teacher homeshool prostitution issue ejectiomn capsulations nonteheless Adam Smith's stealth metatarsus/Elijah's(/'?) chair in curved universe ever momentous whilst free agenting into team with better uniformity on the court of corporate peoples rerolemodling examples thus trusting in one's soul teenseyweensie little uhhh inner *MOONBASE* possibly the third one

close-ta'(c)zah (letter "R" appahently heplaced by letteh "H" during "when The Electric Company on lunch break negoitions subcommitte on for coffee perhaps) zeroing in   on wholedays fiscal steppe bluff peak butte flats thing in nation of mountain cliber race pro spponsorshipping & handling & blue spelunker lavaologicsticianry without homenet shopping full sense of belonging perhaps too early to TXT  wondering what Santa elves' layaway revolving rates next decade like and will college be stuffed into stockings instead of coal getting back to '20's standard of living wage without reverse engineering thinking gee without cost of existence paradigm won't keeping up with joners values lead to more harder lucrative pimping incentive pillowchute of themepark wildriding (fair warning two hands on that heritage in   pillowing ballpark  imminant threat on liberaling agendistas valet) "where A-ticket only worth three post-war quarters as were in 1850's/1947?" as if no sematic of groupthinktwurd case of surprise quiz or something

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Good thing Dolly Madison not competing with dingdongs over future freeing up GOP campaigne (sic) expense traditionally overrunning responderaspnonsorabilllittitty to freeliberal media outletters TAKE THAT nurses carpenters and teachers with secret quasiconservative pamper-me-Elmo proanti "take own chalk to work" and "hey see this school lunch(!??!??!)" agenda pettingzoo programs now about NATO and UN....

inspiration for the Johnnycakes Quayle childrenshorts "Whatssits on *MOONBASE*" and "Numath While Yore Poorkids" 
  just in time for holiday economy support shoppersing seasonal now to check in with regovernor statistical survey poll studies  appointments experts with linguistics right after this messaging sports and messaging brilliant defensive play by guy-on-mound throwing strikes defensively no time to check closed captioning typonegligence oops it's shopping orders for realestate on fiscal butte and cutsie everybody on talkeleviseo methmanical caliber fever gots talent showo'clock with host of student services offices brought to pass savings unto you yew ewe the tax and tuition and corporate ethics funded (as to or not to be saying all corporate peoples' moralititties that pepcolaahlahlah iven in conchflict sodaspeak) that well sponsorhipped) university stuttering T-T-Tom Bueller (should that either or neither prove nor disprove the legal real nametitle in dictation/chadlimbo/otherwise/&so4th&so4thocracy) consumer as reported not just for interacontinental onions epluribus

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Iron dromne any resemblantant 2 fiscal bluff & what reallly happeningsings

so off to the Newtonian laws of bootie farcical feigndingt distretriribution to get p-resident of Egypt (panama canal different deal buy this whole very little much supposifiguringng bigger (talkin' Deigo Rivera-free ginourmous TXa's) on specul8tion  than Kent's watersgatekeepers cin agggrega8 word on streets) to stop picking on poor poor military as underappreciated since state university of not-idaho far as weeknowds (weednose?) legal student service salary intelligent spin doctoring funderores (sic) as in a non-SALTAIR (any real Orin Utonians inventing Kuai'i for fiscal cliff certainty?) biblical sense hmmm all the tough question buyer bees self werewoolfie in Annie getyernewkidsguninhall sun coming out t't'toomb¿orrow only a whole much built up pre-2days issit and just houdini asking checkers favorite version from/of/since  hoarsey Lindseedy Gram (sp?) all up on technique of educatory science then again...

Saturday, 24 November 2012

avoidance of higher futurers sc(h)olastics at all others' epensary efforts name of republincoln imagiry whales conquersing(s) of Reykjavik nearly anti-Ṗaul Ƙaradz(/s)ic-Ḭdi(see fascism in africa(kah?)-ổswald-the -patriot-from-persiantarcticall-launchpad2venus 4robot-saving jupitor aloha rever revereknot wonting 2 B courtneywinreyhousjack ton(sic) first withon partypottypants kittens renting lucky oops doggerr whoarsey clod clod clump (neigh) thru the spacedust faked (sung to the tua'd o' well go write your own song for democracy and media outlet shopping coupoun voucer credit

name of republincoln imagiry whales conquersing(s) of Reykjavik nearly anti-Ṗaul Ƙaradz(/s)ic-Ḭdi(see fascism in africa(kah?)-ổswald-the -patriot-from-persiantarcticall-launchpad2venus 4robot-saving jupitor aloha rever revereknot wonting 2 B courtneywinreyhousjack ton(sic) first withon partypottypants kittens renting lucky oops doggerr whoarsey clod clod clump (neigh) thru the spacedust faked (sung to the tua'd o' well go write your own song for democracy and media outlet shopping coupoun voucer credit while hiding cloak ghosterguist treeplumpnlimpublicons mix nubatch of fillibuster stu technically sakes skirting agenduhs on "wonting" a car liestyle enforcementoconomy patriot dootea  nufascist sucessionayism 43%ile freerange midhusbandeadbeat westdads clout veteran taxpaying doctoral voters suveyed on gnus showing statistical charts txtconent jiggying mabelle(sic[sp?]) handle left victimethlab rites (subcommittee by ors d'ourvers of  no confidence appoite to terrace hill [Joke between states around MO/MN/KS/ND/SD/IL/WI/MI/&so4th&so4th[Wy 4 sweet 10lb. baby Jeebus Y?  OH WY?{?!!?!}?!]) in defencing regovornorshipper non-Kafka) everyonce a chammomilleian yet(i understood) no patagoniadore attack predat'r stalk aggression invadores issues from portugalistadores perpetualance flunktardyly mongoosoon tavi in viol8torium  regarding 18th almondendment repeal out of staltwharft  student service legal t-t-tom bueller f-f-f-flavoritisticism what bad shopping looksee dinopoop sales for cumberbustion engine travel with radi8ors insurance in case of muffler replacemints free with changing of spark plug/carbur8or emission standards lifestyle in good projection to *MOONBASE* dreamy regovernance asswereahoy fiscal bluff (perchancey avast jimminy butte cliff dammitinglo robbing zombies whaaaashipsing yargds &/or Y the ladies never a'mentioning of phonestxt greatlike habititude in subcommitte cost overun always) mutitrillion republic security voucher credit retread with regovernoronomy souapier lion bobcat warterslidfutureewok x-mass & 157 aftermath y'ears(z)sw' on the termin8'r hope (whoever her fathers are in april) 4 in the smurphy uniponycorn enema projecting as Palestine attemptages at Brazilian financess steppe NAFTAUS superiority rules with sorority muthahs by wurd-on-streets survey staytuna'd-upnxtcommings(sp?[sic]) unauthorized home community college school allstealth knownone supposed to oaffiicially in public have  wisdumbpt working about factory cranking out party-line psudo religious reconswervaplumpblimpcon thought for worklabor force price setting fair enforcement or just  loose conglomer8 of yuppie boomer control fetish action troupe coercering voters to allow access to heaven  if not enough to sell mimey video games, movies, action figures, tickets to sporting events,  electricity, beef products, dinopoop for cumbustion engines insurance, cable and phone "service" advertisement providores materials provisions muhahahahaha

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool
solicitorphesus egg chickening reimbursment fraudsponsibility

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