down't if really that fluncktardy interested then consider castingvote flavouering candidate with name that would be best name for a sandwich/candid8 that would looke best with moustache/moustache-beard combo tryseveral variances of scenario-on-theme as in in with out 'stache rite quick Archlordduke *MOOBASE* commandeererr gonna get it as just asskin' with final response of how many mormon wives out there sociologically soda speakhey time to chalk up some Abu Graib /illegal discrimination v. tired poor hudled masses reform with big payoff from municipal menu-solar collection bonusing menu ratings personal flat tax copleing corpration-as person scaled biuhzzilion success psuedoquasi non-profit accelery8d standards cheat from demolibtreecornfiguær8 formsand the thitd uh, hmm uh the uhm well first two and go from there for starts this lundi though good looking back overeons
Monday, 30 April 2012
Reputaion of rumor has it occasional somestate of "gets regovernor never paying taxwriteoffs is with nono-appearent sevenral(+) homesings and gardener platoons motivational non-fraud incentive pre-playschool seal abuse prior to innaugur8tion into illegal veto pension straight to heaven back stage passes where's Sam's stolen rent money rent return theft and '80's farm crisis settlement justice compensation proper as must needs bees checkers eat that too with stinger missile receipts and chads and rebosezo tapes find out how Nancy and proscuouttio telovee get that concealed behind and moreBONUS
Sunday, 29 April 2012
foreverholding dearly departed uh seems theres a third, obey no, uhm hmm uh
though MoMA natural public history and science centers with vast book collections waterslides petting zoo and rec centers must ac account for something should Orin and Mitt's families(sp?) values sweep them there off fleets of limos (or cyclones) after 700+ homehausenes cleasnings with non linquitdity tied in overseas footwar assembly mission assetts to pep up for tithing in other tax fueled facilitie city hall or soccerfield on school yard with instruction on how to command other's hard earned dollars sweat and tears be spent may still be stowayway room in trunk or luggage rack and though appears as Perkinsian that the real flag as searscircussucker out of Bvarnm collections seems as not love thunkdin to don't forget to register to vote
Saturday, 28 April 2012
time for onus bonus chad rescavenger round categories undruber scarecity of over rescoursce noblame hearinn that voting for the homers still not unlegislated trojan eagle even stealth unillpreamble reversion
just decidering distinguishmint homerage &montage realdillyodohdah as with meta heidiggsartrestotle ok just gliding into luanch docks qualific8tioerrs glass case asimuthwith windows dolfphindjinneons just sportfree catch no eat release as is that a rerun around or just happy to force someone to spend and think and vote by b.s. code of biowhimsy for security payola and bill passage faster than DEVICE loiter charges with intent to jaywalk while never arrested for perjury bill through alien furriers aboard giant redwood cruises lo-li-tah deck for antigoaoggle response "honey does Trent's blue floss make moauthiyuhsdei seem ginormouser than misdelagation reprise about control of waddle canal berth in negative square root of uno because glove didn't fit Reg[sic] Dennys' nor Darrlex Gates for that matterscale
Friday, 27 April 2012
breakfast burritushi reminiscence over INS circa '46 good ol'banditistales v. Argenindeyj'naro times BOOSH pass the coconut ml...uh...there's another third uh well weekend no time to disccoursologue execubranch surplus annihil8tions cutlery on taxascælæry
Being FRIADEI mornbritesmurphfittydoodalali first with the hungry hungry checkers
& the major Lee Atwater files on the 40kearlrover lecture pl8 shipping/handling roadshow soon all out battle drones this week coast guard v. asteroid mining drones armed with drone moms' choice (probooly something resembling btrooms and grasstrimming bags though with reasonable pricing in popcorn snax and beverages as moms dobeedoobeedoBdoodaday termin8tor jurisdictionariy wisely impudancing lessons onwith4th junkierkindzrtgts,ask fulcrumblintly if done in *MOONBASE* bake'n'shake math assignments allready)
Thursday, 26 April 2012
in name of keep amteachers respectabubble homeschool by gracious executisementalinty as if never B4 encountered break leg 2 sell crutch routine veri8sion "not ID robbing to invade privacy for planting bad credidt reports implication innuendoidence 2 collect coercion harrassed 'dues'" now right-wing death squadmilf export gone wild vidsales in pro-orphan mortempenalty friendly casino prison support 7+cult no-paytax recidivist surplus illegal inversion party of *MOONBASE*ersram muthereuraticon leveling totolitaerritorrriloiteryalists jobwurk freedomswapout dignity carrereen v. news anchor wardrobe avarice...oh & victims rights doctrine strictly enforced as so portion controlled surplus forbiddance for unworthy by stigma under edict of scarcity of resource myth
how about that hungey hungry checkers first 8 the rebozo tracks then 8 the stinger missle report with a Trent bluefloss chaser fowwing with chads though missed couple 3 hey why hold up on *MOONBASE* this just bestest or what newsper deim until solicitations dreadmilling duties all word ever to need read or think *MOONBASE* use inflectiontonevolume
*MOONBASE* *moonbase*
*moonbase* *moonbase*
*moonbase* *moonbase**moonbase**moonbase**moonbase*
*moonbase* *moonbase**moonbase**moonbase**moonbase**moonbase**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE**MOONBASE* &so4th&so4thNowDANCEloyaltyoathrise 4 Archlord NEWTPITORMinion Rommormon herchperson ORINbotintin to protect from zombie ninja robot vampirezilla mummy threat via flying nileswinelimeleadtoys wiley plot of Sascatoon, MXassgulfvaldzez, b4 sold back to Spain *wink* trainging for adeominssons confidence coaches with bonussalry deleg8ing disserving salary (how could be possiible ethics viola8ions if Clarence's wife on bench hands self cola to prosecute after seen on Anita or Archduchess firstterm spous' possessed reach outta 14th ammendment fine of unlawful interference with healthy informed publicocracy in contempt like uh monpomobilcomm-cable no municiple PWR co thug future polling
so as to ensure nuconfidence trainer as getkidsall on same page of "ank" pronounced "onk" asswith hank and thank and tank and honk keeperings wrong teachers from McCartyrosutioninquisiballing while new limomarcedes fleets back to sell footware to kids in streets ready to phone ahead sales for crack shootings exchange
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
thoughts on becoming mormon as paying taxes so filthy
hey why hold up on *MOONBASE* as regov stepping off after out of own pocket offering big cash deserts to pre icestorm salter/chippers/sandbaggers and post-flooding hazmat handler unmentioning construction gyheros trainees not paid pre-K2pension & gov uhuhm still busy thingking of reimbursements to campaign fund deficit emboldenerrs ooh another chad-no false chad though guy shouldda just come out & 2 already "been studying Hawiianologues and uh'huhuhmuuhuhhumuuhuhoop, see??!!?!?" but no
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Monday, 23 April 2012
Whencethusly t'wasa 'thunkt derr treecornplumpblimbpchat repossession 7cultavaist pahteaerrs peprallied 4 2 commnence recommensurating (out of communissly corncernage fer payback on campaing bills fillibustering) the behaviors of libsdemo frugality BOOSH outta love of the gr8 wiz uncle OZ nuaunties' nuwardrobing by misappromptiate shelfish disrepresent8tion surface actuallybeegan a Dunndeal round era of bad hair boys'
bands post-checkers perhaps even mid-centurium when preamble (then spelt "preamble" L8r to be modified into resemblance of "paramumble[sic]") gun jumper
gaitudeignorance and uh there's a uhm third uh...not so-well known TRU€leadinger 2 hardmousty stuff & uh like thingys & uhm wha'evffasvwvulphfn tardygoufphtnzstumpffhhhuhuh
Saturday, 21 April 2012
brainiac Jockco departuremints decidering touronado outsidie Ames season "good thunkin'" place for Olmpeead trafficking during trials no where near the Hauge nor Copenhaagen nor Oslo nor Nuremboogers a'knauightly bratkids FUN
plus may buy lightrail transit sun passes for rapids commutists bonus imaginary asset jungerkindneargardenerings compost heapage operme8tionas sporting cowjuice monies with coco essxpress OH all tzso summer acedemia grade tuition doll'r with partisan 2 party (one with about up to & not excluding 24 cults and running chronoshalftime gonna be gr8like discovery true Maya 21DEC12 just meant time to recalibr8 as at time no pass in one-way v. way to Nostrildeemoouth beesides beeyond'r 3day precalcudiction jumpiming and 13's like decks "unluckyprime" so as not 2 exist as 14th2googlefloors and square root of negative one/zerah wrong
Friday, 20 April 2012
Juicemental8or 4 2ence inning a hankckerin' agin' 4 schezuan the generals business pork just see Sartre and if shy pick up where Hume left off Foucaulteatowers
to save on rent-a-kid payments to keep using young underdeveloped minds and brains from compensation K-pension while still allowing plenty abuse access especially during delic8 years in tuition fuelled Graduate colleges for benefit of flooding healthy community with superfluous medical administratoer in need of new kitchen remodeling unpaid mortgage BWM not to stealthy double-secret unmentionabbubble litigator combustion engine dinopoop avarice easing in era of clarity so as to not mix Vieux Boulogne pouprtoporri with Catalina ambieulence impeachy refundabulbbles during ride straight up beanstalkes to *MOONBASE* and present guardians (security fee to be assessed at dinopoopcraft departure station) with all-pro orphan death penalty friendly totalitarian practicing real human beings (ironically enough oftseen in zomie robot vampire dragon jezebellzebubblette form in wetfloss around keepings of hidden flying mummy ninjazzillas nuhanger decktxksacowoolybooley!). Credit card numbers and pictures of pets and parents toobusy calls being taken now or go online with favorite smile easy as patriot publinickinpie and fresh corn oh wait that's not til closer to July still on April showerfreshfish laundry soapking in it with mudgey after long gruellish tuition hike for l'il homeschool on metro no histate roadway no uh what third well funded uhm not firs2 insert threat of surplus annihilation and implicit armed enforcement quartering in tardyflunk lodging acquisitions to justicify pompom glut no chance of rentcontrol here
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Wheel of GoFIsh!
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Monday, 16 April 2012
well for certain arranged caste marriages did wonders for Serbia were that truelike meaning of gay wedded bliss as could see how helps acceptring
Sunday, 15 April 2012
ipso chadsfo Chicago style polishapulco softshells & bootsk8s boooooogeeeeeleeza rice
major Chad in the observa- no, billiards, uh huh like uhm uh no third not f-o-u-r-t-e-e-n-t-h show on doily where raygun h8ed nuclearsunpower panel though big on checkers bowling because tapes don't kill pep rallies, surplus annihilating unlawful supreeme court appointees on bad hair on cola days amigst cliquesquesh legisl8ion however goodly totalitarian hearted kill reason for otherwise decent human beings...
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- Reputaion of rumor has it occasional somestate of ...
- foreverholding dearly departed uh seems theres a t...
- time for onus bonus chad rescavenger round categor...
- breakfast burritushi reminiscence over INS circa '...
- in name of keep amteachers respectabubble homescho...
- thoughts on becoming mormon as paying taxes so filthy
- anyone thinkin' to send a note home from school to...
- Humptyluckybassturdệ
- brainiac Jockco departuremints decidering touronad...
- Juicemental8or 4 2ence inning a hankckerin' agin' ...
- Wheel of GoFIsh!
- Cybernaught Immelmanhoteplviskneival has left the ...
- these and othersuch difficult querries as though s...
- well for certain arranged caste marriages did wond...
- ipso chadsfo Chicago style polishapulco softshells...
- Guess facial hair supposed to be "out" according t...
- first things self evidently facts fax foist; one ...
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- happy hide the eggs all sales profiteering ghosts ...
- Middamniopolysigoths gank the handle off guy on mo...
- Wisdom insurance for already apple a day ptreventi...
- hey kids watching 7+ cult gop with slime pretendin...
- Prequal Spit Bootie Balls Aliadscinaobabbamabad & ...
- knowtime must build palace for archlordduke Newtpi...
- should education be best serviced by and with hist...
- publick enforced retooling on *MOONBASE* 5+ cult u...