Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?

Ever play wherewaldofish ladies?
Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

other than diet of papals aux petites déjeuners drafing 2 start hereall after released prior exceptin' yet the woe to the poor tardyflunkturdtitied dutyfree titheded duty free & yeti

still not regul8tions 2 peer pressure from coercion jr. high prehomemedlegapharmauetortschool to sealabuse ipso seal abuse pension ed accredidation good'ol commubillyboygoat all jug x-mass in death penalty friendly pro-orphanlund season sales bunting statistics of reliabubble source sayings show
The Ecstasy of Defeat: Sports Reporting at Its Finest by the Editors of the Onion
seems long rough way to coach University administrators into horrible Adbusters #100: Are We Happy Yet?
currency devaluing real estate price gouging ethcs benging young minds worse that power junkie acrylics made of tobacco even without stupid recovery from dino poop chocola8 combustion enginry addiction gaylifedescisiongenetic with pre existing nuclear power someone stigmatized  as THESUN even from *MOONBASE* how negligentlymaliscion breakfast cereal gonna get with all thehigh fructose overbalance enforcement not even of premamble never browsed though -*+mournfinch 2nd loyalty oath youth dance platintitiumngilledfinner union of portion controlist fetshishtly thefting oxygen (phopoprops F. Grizel#1!) from lther'nspray disinfectantesrty pressurecanned culits swarmthy all about UT of A

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

home for waywardened tardyflunckturdsacxktollhaus sponsored by tax dhollohrs from offices tightea near the Dptt.O uh hmm the D.O. uh DO what was 3rid had the cheesebase on other than Pike's highheighehairst mount amongst fighting 48 and uh

OOOh administardyra8tioners donor brains freee coffecake rounded baked goods with Easter    scabvenger hike tuition hunt enforcedocratisrophic  and with no cleanup selfbehind ipso recidividmindance velcrowing chewie rewards on separate checksnotip just wait-hey courtkneeys loader around the husband jo here hocha Neil and Jeb and Newt and star hits just keep coercscioning milked money for helmeted criters in halls of learning overtop% voter actual statistic somethingat minimally fed homeschool pepperspymix canning whay that sy 2-y-x-0-n 8, no doesn't look right that a 2 or z Zy- perhaps upside down whaevah just throw in with comet and ammonia clean kitty litterbox big kid handler adminismissions just in time 4 skidmark concerto via student secreeit service and inhuman rights labs secretatior (not horse stables for one thing horses cleaner) screamin' for class commenrcecmints in crowded fire of big miss teary theatre

Monday, 27 February 2012

...tomatoe jelloe seed feed with walnut shell tissue veneeroccoli inassurance immiit8ingser

time to check fake ids for liberal affili8ions which HAVE NOTHING TO DO with any ism  other than absurdestree8ry to atrocious in criminal sense of treerobertsonian (though canned haves bees more giant grasslandish  upon contempl8ion hmmmnmnmhmhnmnmhuhmnphrmfph...) conditional thucktdairy    (yes, thunkt DAIRY as natures fattener in  liquid icecream osteoporosis fighting form for instanciation therewise sow HOWE class of what TOMBACKINGERS' alumn colligia8 atheletic promise ethical to put 2 no contact on kid sisterhhoods+affili8ts NXT HOTCHA w/ mid-east clear over yonder sumwhearthunblund buy crow sailnest avion sodaspeak

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Disney/Eames contra vs. aah pentospenseoilevtre(sp?-[sic]) vikkilett Reykiovich huh uh hammer budget aud8iouly facetious v. culta 'orsedoovr needy flightglideharleymon control waturd on infirm8tity psionic ghost devant stealth 51VA 'za'za

still has nongumminteft'd CHINARK oh back from goofus campaign expense gibberishy lingoville already with funds de-liquidified to camera holding steady practice  with solicitation graphic testing on consumer target real human beings then back to fish and teaching to fish /crop business as usual of course...  aum vroom    

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Jets v. Hasbrostrohos' DIBSZ(!) as in drftftfzeplinberg fillipsheadibusterbonded donuts forgetting trial 2 get dolphins to register to vote

latax menue item form on 1/2 peoples court with secrt m.
>{yore plicto 'ere}]).;.>
stashin's and soap bubble armor piercing lasers on trapdoor overhead surplus where corporation membersall still 10% flatax and anything with separate logo 10% as well and good never cleaning up after apricot tortoisetisers avec glaç

Friday, 24 February 2012

amplications NOW acceptabubble post intruction trims not too unlike preschoo2pension regovernorshipcraftying volunteer conscription seal abuse reregovernor freelaborpimping classes via athletic superiority surplus annihilations complex OR ELSE at TardyFlunk U come for FANTASTiC tuition rates and no rentcontrolly regulation lobby near toll collections office & stay for taxhiking

GRAFTED fllunkfull flankfull phfalzanxfive restibursmentitutons  tours opening BIG BASHstring theorey diversity dance of loyalty homeschool party valetdictorian  incentive because why would anyone on direct deposit be motivated to have students feel poorly about oh uhm selvis altuism honestyleyness impoverishment enfocement of immoral unethical und  material bankruptcy sleeping under bridges as one while studying in quieter pep rally spaces closer to F.A.C. band 4th quarter-u-call-its prior to paying on parent credit and on & in lobby & uponpost-doctorate almnædïṳm rïghts vïölatïng for mass freeconmedia press spin the stigmata gameshow appearance lecture circuit fee w/roving 40K 2saywhat allafronta kids what the happenings for greater glory power famousness motivation teams getting social service charges statistics just on the refunds like as uh one thuuh thing other than firts uhm like uh    and uh stuff and like uh things like uhm well the first twittoo definitely and uh like well like uh *MOONBASE* uhm well the  definitely and uH like well like uh *MOONBASE* potheticy one that sais so talking abonspirho&kaboodle hunkeydorey beesknees try fraudosophy leave with degress in crimial and monster studies after so open about checkers rules with attica in blazers when unable to decide what to stalk next when Persian neighbors and friends looted proper

Thursday, 23 February 2012

draft mt return of Ephany Indienda-mgt coming soon

not so much oversimulation here little in leftovers by carpenters all up in Ol' Muthus Ma&Pa Smallbusiness Cafegrilltavern & Tax Shelter Duty Free Emprivm®   special today fresh  fire roasted poblano and habenjeryo stream marina8ed mahi steak with pilaf no, rosemary potatoe, wait that not right no there one uhm condiclescendnetia no uhm.hmm pilfaf soudnding gr8 actully perhaps some waterchessnuts in there with snowpea babysomething hmm to  the other musta left recipie with *MOONBASE* control oh thre is now say*MOONBASE* control Mango the'hellthat MANGO seen that one thing MANGO slackin then Steffan hossenpheffer razzenfrazzen STAT fly the uhm the uh the thing with the stuff the uh real quick the uhm stuff goes with thing and uh the umh uhm stuff c'mon in a hurry here got some highrer learned execuadinistration catering to finish and serious no waiting around real lawful legisl8tion prepping subcommitee team meeting department all-pro directdepost security service international homeland act to push and all for young minds of tomorrows before savage onslaught of Uranusvolken kids all ægis bonus hæggis

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

& free 2 vote *MOONBASE* party code ostrichsheepheard at ordinance laʊnch device point jʊst replaçprings with imaginary bazooka while competitton yelling into mobile phoney o'clock lobby of yoga ballet pʊbʊblic mime library behavioral engineering practice mere stealth costings traffic admoninissions

no4 teleovangcʊlt o'clock pre*MOONBASE* rʊnway fasionshowdown Robercʊltson in leather party of one lottsa sporting blʊe floss in leathershoʊrspecial thong edition featʊring the lovely   selections towards fʊndtaiser gameshow

 one myteam with cannining we-nessin Howeya
  though having to carry all former wives' baggage for son of invisibʊbble alpha diety gossip 
innʊendo kit alone golly sarge sodaspeak on the sʊbject of hearsay 
briefly well one knows this that one time first behind other ask Tom & Chirs and moms & spoʊses' moms and Joes' coʊsin the roofier                                   everyanybʊddy Bʊeller bobble boogle bopper bʊgeler... 

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

No Miss represpirantitellltittias pour les Ma'a'maumsz, ladies though Bueller ever have P-resday so well'n'good *MOONBASE* real interested in development copy

for instantiating *MOONBASE* miles standard with metric hammurburglhurobbery imperial naughtilouse rosiettia *MOONBASE* of ACTea in EDU and uh uhm what  was department of Administration not DOD the other uh one there's DOT and DOS and uhhmmm well guess  see just seems essential for all the botsclonesdroids factory growing teens with fresh horses and gums perhaps the finnish carpentary posthastechopchop

Monday, 20 February 2012

Joyblisshappy Presidents' day off Day ok most underrated just so happens one of best parts of United Nations honored though just 'lil kelpvlar seasprout on obsidian even when Copenhaagen hosting Karadslobodznicadomists junk'n'goods

inspiring if to pass ordinance to be handles as if handed down in code of Hambugrleerobbyrosietta packrock *MOONBASE* tabernacle choir prefer a buy-law Mondays optional for sake of retooling while squaring up accounsts collectabubble of anti-trust totalitarian labor pimp while meat price and sheltercost fixing while students forced on tuition scavenger hikes in nave of love to cover surplus annihilations of checkers pasts celebtations thru MidamEnroneus does do windowzers even "own 2nd amendment" turns out ill-faith policy with doctrine of portioncontrolled servings though just 'lil kelpvlar seasprout on obsidian even when Copenhaagen hosting Karadslobodznicadomists goods for Archlord Newtpitor Teleoæxexescas and Utah Sarah cults-in-own po'erbrainzzzsssszzssszzzzzs by name only ahshshwell selfhelp doing unto others test lab kits availabubble here one for Lundie Melinda & Billy Gmoneyenas each though why all the catering with no tip jars as even Eustachy'steam meetings during 100m thong had some reservoir tip jugs when capacity to
  • Relics: Travels in Nature's Time Machine build gingerbread condos only outdone by levels of effort requirings to impeach checkers' moustache and sue for peace with reimbursement times currency not quite yetiddevalued compoundingling principal and interest handling in with of staffing for direct deposit camp of administr8iveheaded nudes remodling practice on gassy gnomes rights next doors... 

Sunday, 19 February 2012

drafting all ahoy avasting seas of seachange LANDHOopsnumpfhith

no idea Howe serious Warhol on madonna seriously  just now viewing slopjob Nu Aussie *MOONBASE* perky  logo bueno  burrows banyjos penal piracy casino detainee Lundie Rice on fish on waterboard    TAKEITAWAY now

Saturday, 18 February 2012

in NO attempt to coerce scholastics/commerce/ portion controlled (potions? As in potion controlled potion portion controlling potion portionings or..[?]..) servings policy (try THAT) would like to see standadized testing results of administr8tion by baseball circa Vin Scully (special agent dunno not there) reports of achievement in seeking real killer O.J. looking for can teleoport to *MOONBASE* command one of countless features with *MOONBASE* command

another the Tomfllunkfull flank phfalzanx4 restiuitembursmentitutontosstoasttoss tourtestings opening *MOONBASE* setting just on refunds thuh one uh thing other than first uhm like uh two and uh stuff and like uh things like uhm well the first two definitely and uh like well like uh *MOONBASE* Baker-Howe project for prelimbs{sic) and pro-orphan death penalty friendly pamphletting contact Baker/Howe offices legal UI IMU/Hospitals & Clinics 2 for one bonus details 

 Bueller Muallahahahahahahahah servicing students or uhm something uh well those for definite and uh DOE and DOT DOW and POT TOE and the TAO and the offices of the SEE and SEC blancos et noires grossesgrasses printempts during allsaints'n'witches pumpkin holydaisy sales seasons just recycling    Jolly ol'elf valentines solicitations in rep oh look Mexico no attedondes bueno burrows banyjos as the girls do the boys anything they
 ask just everyone who almost never sais they all think anyway always everything hurry *MOONBASE* but readynow

Thursday, 16 February 2012

(by way) Geronimo Pratt may 've been LABELED falsely/negligently/incompetently/wrongfully as "black panther" suggestive in 2 try get facts straight'n' first then farm as pro-orphan maximum surplus annihilation compliant and death penalty friendly as sodium and dinopoo flavored cultaid in Calamari dessert topping *MOONBASE* polish

so established NOT Swimmythefish's' FAULT Checkers cornfusion overbakecatering Chris Nicky DRx gawd awful v. Evah Traunhillthomashowe into WWroller FYLF gone wild minivandelivery bonus Chad the barefoot doctrine of what's bestest uber goot for Re. Gerry'n'PhFillibustmeanderers' goslingletts pate as ok w/Archlord Newptitronore Muffins show on payper view for BIGCASH PRIZE sales receipts run Sparticus run with all the successful municipal power NE no slant to nuclear as SUN   intercourse on *MOONBASE*reason being MissTrytreareryreasonrpreisren'shimmy to dinopoopBMidAmWcombustopoopdirtectdepositentationocraticon FUTUREMORE 2Closer2onedaycloserto1Daycloser2next& ;so4th&so4thso4th such divine inspir8tion appropriate as ombudsperpeoplenelles in outsourced labor camping for toddlers behind barbed wire eclectrtifried fencing lessons can't even read scanner insrtuction subcommitte trafficking trunca8eringcongressional football mascott stutterbobbleclearfloss on dreamsfield Earle of Kent St.Flashes©(!) up the Badgerbulldog and 2 uh uhmuhm what was the uh    uhmwell the uhthere more questions in there by the name of love even & not just a bonosong b fraucktdpal5...

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

ụhm like ụh don't bachmonenoụaghtpfththfphftht the *M00NBASE* bonụs hụhhụh; always pepperspray sụrplụs in inụhmdefiniteụhhụhhụh powers of dedụctive reasoning and opposabụbble thụmbụsụm ụnder fụll secụrity as to zero tardyphflụnck tolerance rụle codel of ArckhLord Newtpitor & cqụarthaụssie loyaltea DANCEN0W!

kids today not all archdụcess poo-poo (ol'nspice teevleotwmwmbletmwblie or something) drooly heard shoting "NŮ WIND0W PROCŮCTS ARE 0UT!! (repeal/recompense/rerig repeatea8ions as neccescelary) hm like h as if hm grls in crowded chococohụt all hoopdy ụp on  plasma creditby Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island FoundationStatue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundationthe gingerbreadwall dring  lnch withot combst engines and mobellphone lobbụbblyist scream into hor observation times hhụhh & as if like whævvah!" a whole mch todays and then again with cts and tition hike tax  for mostache trimjobs and casinoprison  all up coverschargingsithụe mechxican robot zombie dracla stealth clones poised to+/-93 ponce ninonto Dalls-Thwarthworth dty-free zone for yellocake freshy hstled otta Seattleaskatoon though public science center rec revamp & libraryiellities plus all terrain rnning track & lapool natuụrally normal may extendhors goodtime value even crrency depreciaveity in flnkt8ing since checkers hm 1850 h dnno thphfweretts see brb...

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool

like kittens where asset/surplus annihilation to regovpension seal abuse business stable preschool
solicitorphesus egg chickening reimbursment fraudsponsibility

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