Edutour cyberexerscional actionadventure fieldtrips and studyspaces plus moustachetrimmings freeforkids well then always perma regovernance doublesecrit clause to taxfund sweat tears & hmm seems forgetting...hannhoo~hiybbprqag
new year for certain to be seeing better executive teleovision and education administr8or descision making resplenduntcywith too ginormously diverse fail amelioration regents subcommittee expense pick up the spares
and game on for2013 hasslefree airways even hard nose university and mega ponzi executive administrators with worthless real estate aquisitions and educational decision judgement for law enforcementmootnitygritty and otherwise
eyeseeing wot M.Bactchmun(sic[sp?])'s dog had to bark about hearsay of Checkers Rex & Lucky not mentioning the Nancy Reagainixon(sic[sp?]seeiming familiar valued already) ouija literacy level homeskool 4 University administr8tion under rereplumpblimbconns dancesing heads future boobblesque leadernosely ooh rudolfphfphphththphtoutsourcedingts with chopper enthralminty & check stalkings(!)
freezyfill drought reimburseplacedepositments now if only working in principles of compenstaion for unjustice of filibuster restitution all through PTA &homeshool oafficial office extra cookies distributions breaking out popcornstring decor dear santa hinthint
bearly catch a'wiff'o homepoint transitioast breakfast kitchensupportage ibsress withall checkership lead'n'gtduh then theirs' coldcureplay there woohoo nonetheless vet hurtsmust needs bees 4ewe hopesing for no unsavory grinchyhumbug returns in ritewing holiday season stoalkings with all the war criminality charged issues already hohoho & check the tuitiontax student legalservicing staff with T-t-tommybakerbueller corporatefaretollfeeportunitasts hottchA BOOSH(!) (post-nuptuals non-uninclusive close2callin'ths*eaherm*) BSAFE sodaspeakfreerange porpoise announcemint addressing until nxtxt aswaswere2B hotcha
allswell sing WTFJG@XMSS??(!!?!) phrum hell son of god may redeem loving ewe much while beelzebub likes a whole much interest in yore soule nonetheless (jesus gififtz@Xmssngsing) R mulligan do-overs jygamour as wavelengths smash again'sta hour gloss retarded stargo;d special olympiad weinners elvising elfiss spending restraint fruga lbudget mother home in a manger opportunity of neccessity justice peace lovely y no one said Colbert souper fort Knox treeaassusury department fast fasting stingly stingstings sting outta riverboat war highway insurance waiver casino fund on xmass drugs war v. yuppie skanksuck b(r?)aggagag ex days until xnumber of (pause4effexctkz) uhnhh... not paid 4getting chadkds surviving vindic8ionposterity wherewerewolfzombieallspacespice glam (h)okay*aherm* rough equivalent to 3rd term Newt *MOONBASE* signing of bill4 action on maritial(sic[sp?]) bliss commitment with hidden stealth ghost close2 fiscalhomefamilial agenda rueoumored 4 pimpducavancemint national park others' orders deleg8tion ombudsmavernsity legal higher learning defusenseessence funding from all generous conservaberebretory earwhig hyper roadraving reimbursement voucher illegalitittea0ty v. criminalseeming parkramping with intent2 jaywalk charge display hold that headsupthought'n'gtkt therethierthey'rethere double nicenaughty for campussy student legal services T-t-tommy Bueller formerly PhillipJones' wingmango2guy reputi8ed wuuurd (319)335-3557/~vp-student-life@uiowa.eduextracurricular bonus credit cash prize availabilyetiey rumoured on boulevard to updraft finance off edge industipummpliconselfservaswervatiffteemwork... paynow/l8r progromme but first~theolocicimageaniacal peprally practice &/or otherwise
nothing 2doo w/ power & wealth abuse distributional have knots anxiety flotillaing sans stealth pitrate ghost b4 subcomittee crossing guards on wheels, wings, and the never learning channel(er)(')r('?)s('??): "YOU'RE an evil god disaster"~"No YOU'RE an evil god disaster"~"No YOU are!"~"Nuh-uh YOU are"~"No YOU"/&so4th&so4th aside from eternial "what would ever distract parents so much to not notice the children obtaining/aquiring/commandeering firearms and ordinance?" and usual good ol' campus administrator/monitor salary business inpractice afterdayafterdayafterday even from confines of detentioned viewers allthe way to telefame glamgitz competition magic bigbizadise image outtareach never stop fordiscourse clique loyalty-o'rama industry dancesteppes around fiscal buttequick to respond to ignoring of sound fiscal wisdom responsibilty professionallies bankrollcrediting coaches' 12-house each apiece mortgages so good to suffering athletic pros and poor poor cons h8 to miss a meeting in a PTA mothers' drivers instructor feedback knitting party gtg
got nothin' here reallyelves just needed a break srry roadshopping rage just a bitch perhaps bad time to bring up secret U.N. ginourmous piñata dangling from *MOONBASE* project long as unborn Jesus ahead of time prevented from joining union life gayness & other wiselydom like duh uhm ¡BOOSH¡
even with dinopoop powered keel & buckskin condoms 4 the kids' discos with pumas trial by out of centrist Maya chonotifactologyical (sp?[sic]) seasoning holiday error so what justification remains in forced confession teen Chicago even by chicago teen standards (should all triggerhappy campus security monitors as well paidand public defenders purchasing gifts without coupons be fogotv'n then all equal policy in eyes of law inęffaect [?!] by default precedent for posterity without audacious business as outweasle usual corpor8 nationality see during mathquinox (real as unregul8ed string bean distributors subsidized shareholder justice
+/-) compens8ed bazooka handler lifestyle envy let the unglorified continue to never achieve glory dreamwishes dearsanta...
thought tiny tim had it rough including lack of integrity regarding university and senate fiscal leadership enforced entertainment oh yeahwill take money for payrises during filibuster/stall/divert attention-blame maneuvers while eating better with surplus securityGNP annihilation for good of the peepills (sp?[sic]) noticabubbley no grace to offer reimbursements or restitution foranti-robinhoodsanta gigging over decades
so well grounded though noticibubble surplus annihil8ions on discgolfdeficit
spending (that right?) fancy where support working on4 that from
one(1won?) may wonder guess back to dinopoop pwered toothbrush future posterity explain8tions*eherm*
then far as compens8ing inviontioneers for ideas of artificial
continents by material recycling (continent for bazooka
fetishists/continent for psychiatry practitioner critic [gateway to
harder bazooka fetishist continent kink yes well aware in
processigressing sodaspeak] resort on planet 2/3 agua real estate with
healthy applica8tion to temper8 dieticionaranism (sic) hypothetically
was as if justyesterday rampant complaining about congress control ofbudget with pressmedia fault of makingultrarite wingnut conservativeopinion enforcement lookuncreditabubble hmmm