what an education policy no wonder don't need athletics or fraud waste abuse and no reimbursement deliberate deception contracting or naked empress UI quiaility gives gr8 press rally with non-voted for valedictorianocracytardy flunking tapoon corporate welfare glitteriati prisoncasino talk circut as every state under Rove lordering stupoursurplus annihilations all non-racy arrogant send credit card numbers to be paid by servitude to honest welldressed and fed avirice liyfesyle show up to shout downmaintaig coolness or look silly party like unthinking cult followerand so cancun through posteritymars hotcha
Monday, 31 October 2011
Regovernor recontent to rebuild pension and preschool norent dutyfree with other's minds and toilnoncosts like any non-divine right mortal non-kingreclaim redirect deposits from retaxcollections resurplus reductions redouled redundantly and TX afraid of El Salvador and Haiti and Louisianna reactions
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Saturday, 29 October 2011
nothing better so becomesthtsththsth fulltime taxfunded defendererreer propersecution8r of peoples' state taxfunded 24-7/366
whence tampoon a bad word only if boys say it and bad sexyist bad or racyesr sexiest bad as in "flunktary that smells like tampoos gas ever warsh that junk douchebag?" and Howe working huh Philtaum Bockensbakerbalkerballer-Jonser-r-monst-t-tr project legal so hide eggs day closer new wardrobe costs if survive rearrangement getaway shuffle boogie topheavy U state misplacement of preamble and bar requisite humanity of winter as non-regovernor/ forced settlelies ipso fraudo reimbursement evasions treatytrickhmmm of course another mystery surplus annihilation story straighenting brought by fresh with bills for CYA tolltax and tuition hiking since no one sincerely since fellow from leading hypotenuse (or was John Mcmoyers club?) poinitng out free interest rates for online credit (goes with studies-ulcers over bnill excess) applicabubble as facsimilie education ads supporting mascotvertisedments leading to lifestylins in casino prison administration the policy wonk implisillyitimbecilely issued forth not being anti
pro orphans in un-explainations of election riggings and no-vote barring delegates direction deposit taxin's to keep anal probes all to duty free Dallasfortswarwthnot touching Haities at breakfast if upon infiatecimibubble accident screaming theater in crowded fire meanwhile gotta get back to saving humans from ghost giant ninja zombie robots and what not...silly humans and ghost giant ninja zombie robots
Friday, 28 October 2011
though double wall electrifry southern neighbors fantastic with others' funds healthy skeptic minds may see scenario of incas dropping through top didn't think hole in bozone all for nothing in vainity and all this while
return the timespent from not doing own studies
good start on path to show it not sorry what sort of s-a-n-e administrator would take a position of competence and have to negligently be conscionable ideologically with all that potential for better life in Haiti v. directdeposits amongst thinktank pal replumpblimpcons ole cousins and mothers boys groupies (s-a-m-e ones) interested in playground swingsets slides teetertots and merry-go-rounds for elephantitus party kids sets all texacution pro-orphan jobsteal ordinance packeratti teleoloyttea oath party
Thursday, 27 October 2011
weatherizing cardboard for solarium below MLK overpass do it self for dummies with bonus televangics downloading at salvation kisarmygoodtime
good thing no pimping corruption fraud waste abuse avarice greed arrogance and friction about replumpblimpcon camp all honest with selves about redressings with cherry rhubarber joe's daughter's pie like whipped stuff on
hot cocao beverage so close to steamy cider cinimon apple totty and bobbing for children near smaugopolis where harvest solstice can mean much besides seven evermore intense years of tax funded corporate welfare fed campaigning responsibilities fiscalmath even implied default too close to call tricktreats taken to be sold free as birds change color and drop from trees neverfailing family tradition since ripping
solar panels off in office for lovename of hiding nuclear power potential apriori called the SUN mom approved and sports solicitation for higher learning
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Great irony deficit not to l'l 'stachebonerstead until surplus annihilation lifestylers reurned then policy shift would've seemed less turbulent if not for those meddling fair wage actions and writers' strikerings
though really gr8 part of administrationing salary besides getting wrong professors fired and
beaten by thugs (unlawful ones betterest myth on less trackering as entrappment and stalking Geronimo pratt not S-A-M-E as Guideon v. Wainright S-I-M-I-L-A-R) hopefully 19-yr oldhall monitors out of "jurisdiction (minds/use of own language ability-acquired skills etc..) in leather on direct deposit patches cost of uniform deducrions per deim neither really "police" not even in constitution anyway wonder reason with that hmmmm nor enough souper dooper bizzijillionaires in duty free zones appearently fewwer repairing post Katrina/Hiati/Tokyo excepting realestate developers for pension is plan primo for folks with time to make plans and if strip malls with parkingramps not style for control imposed fasistoctatic oath recital enforcees always on liying double charge to go to F-U every tax and tution recreation night at prison casino for sports ad fundstimes ready unsupposition policy couldn't have made student hostage crisis allnannypolice stealth martial totalitatian unlaw loopdiefreak powerjunkiefgoing falcon to vulture to hummeringawk to trojan porpoise fangto eagldayctile bazookamech precarta somewhere after 14th and 5th ammendments sometimes 3rd and when
sallyrottencrotch doesn't get grades to show daddy after all symester blaming wrong athlete during d8 rapes outside Newt approval of wedded blissumation contract for carolinas is kids hooray
beaten by thugs (unlawful ones betterest myth on less trackering as entrappment and stalking Geronimo pratt not S-A-M-E as Guideon v. Wainright S-I-M-I-L-A-R) hopefully 19-yr oldhall monitors out of "jurisdiction (minds/use of own language ability-acquired skills etc..) in leather on direct deposit patches cost of uniform deducrions per deim neither really "police" not even in constitution anyway wonder reason with that hmmmm nor enough souper dooper bizzijillionaires in duty free zones appearently fewwer repairing post Katrina/Hiati/Tokyo excepting realestate developers for pension is plan primo for folks with time to make plans and if strip malls with parkingramps not style for control imposed fasistoctatic oath recital enforcees always on liying double charge to go to F-U every tax and tution recreation night at prison casino for sports ad fundstimes ready unsupposition policy couldn't have made student hostage crisis allnannypolice stealth martial totalitatian unlaw loopdiefreak powerjunkiefgoing falcon to vulture to hummeringawk to trojan porpoise fangto eagldayctile bazookamech precarta somewhere after 14th and 5th ammendments sometimes 3rd and when
sallyrottencrotch doesn't get grades to show daddy after all symester blaming wrong athlete during d8 rapes outside Newt approval of wedded blissumation contract for carolinas is kids hooray
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
How about huevos Judarnold over resignation Benedictine with exploratifs on new winter breakfast menu state fair take home when stuffyfluffademicritter too busy guessing age of Mischpalibachnman-on-net modeling
and who wouldn't want to go make fascists money for revolving credit offers while managing three "jobs" post-k-12 employment stability as eric son regovernor moustache drivers ed instruction carrer opportunity to be taxed after paid of others' lunch bills in trillibigga zigillionaireonaire appetizer coaching
unblinkinly actually top .000001% vigilance or option always white collar crime reparations big bag of 1000K and paid litigation fees for time in 5-yr attorney (who can check into hotel anytime if no room at The Inn (believed to be
the Raddishson) leathersoapallswaller inbetwixtasructure doublesecret police nanny magna cartamble just after 14th ammendmentin pretend contemplation over
C. Thomas' wife ever get hots for Mayilyn hafta wonder moreso nowadays
Monday, 24 October 2011
& thus undignification if'n'snotporn when quadro jepardy outta blue suddan (Sudan?) like still no puerto rico invasion of balkans hmmm......
eathersoapallovetubes yoyoywuuuuuuuuuudjiggy-g UAkWakketech studious
incaphonicrhythmnub.bBrownlyrics -wuuuuuuuuuuuurda'flunkin howethrillin..
whole 999
incaphonicrhythmnub.bBrownlyrics -wuuuuuuuuuuuurda'flunkin howethrillin..
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Awnings on the age of terrariums
Saturday, 22 October 2011
anyday closer to administrative direct deposit is halloweenie grill just slightly off-campus only unless wearing hallmoniter leather paycheck stubbadge firearm radio patrol card and fske ID (for when off-duty) then go to Riverside McD's to beat hell outta wrong bicyclist
just slightly off-campus only perhaps platoon size tart tomaquet* Chicago style and
king walleye tacos with tea oh duh trojan beagle surprise until naturally occuring holy pescado season sales display accountant leger makes rounds for
hastily overfed vienna sausage thunkting bubbliscious pate both sides of Lincoln top
and south
*Q1a): celebrity heirloom roma campari indigenous to europe as --- is to mexican rice (better than appropriate as cult of obbudsman scanner proficiency instantiations actually address questimates in comments option to play hint on 10AUG11 of archives)
Friday, 21 October 2011
for good time call an administrator obviously
...gonna need a few minutes for coralreef version of poltergeist where ecosystem buried (see lookingglass v. rainforest) in race for loudest presentation=most qualified for direct deposit not goofusly merit reasons pshphfwhhhuhhngh formulae applewater baby tangerine abuse bathing bluefloss ooh cool always felt need to take date to a corporate cubical for some brushetta lobster mannicotti and hot bowl general soup
of szchuan asskick then back to class where learn to take zoloft for power junkie theraputic studies in higher
education business athletic leisure scholastics on caste expense account fraud mismanagement waste and abuse ethics since '50's appearently not amerocentrisupremacy homeschool crime responsibubble fiscaligrnt
Thursday, 20 October 2011
innuendo thought Newt's imaginary family values a suppository
no one beleving
a word said she-bear rwr-rwr-rwr~what happens to auctioned enroniburton cash and interest from non-returned reimbursement/contempt charges omniscient fiscally responsibubble partiers a' go-go-going fresh for exposition in Whotown art Museum still same shows in galleries of Smurphburbs and Howeville rigged competition arena and no ponies headed for glue factoy rescued left not unhurt during making Castagump suddenly pronounced sticky in hospital go figure...
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- Regovernor recontent to rebuild pension and presch...
- of course replumpblimpcons pay bills on time that ...
- nothing better so becomesthtsththsth fulltime taxf...
- though double wall electrifry southern neighbors f...
- weatherizing cardboard for solarium below MLK over...
- Great irony deficit not to l'l 'stachebonerstead u...
- How about huevos Judarnold over resignation Benedi...
- & thus undignification if'n'snotporn when quadro j...
- Awnings on the age of terrariums
- anyday closer to administrative direct deposit is ...
- for good time call an administrator obviously
- innuendo thought Newt's imaginary family values a ...
- Birthday props to Peter Max/John Lithgow in face c...
- however pro-orphfun her majesty "snooze/lose" neve...
- 1001! And again with the accomplice seeking doubl...
- #1000th post and if no objection from crazy "Lady ...
- the stealth pre-emptive mutually exclusive double ...
- time to listen to folks solicit proposals for repr...
- whew(!pshpfthfpfhthpfhtth) image suffrage in Mario...
- Withall suckskiingblow of inenrtropyx nonehannyhoo...
- gotta beleive kids' victims of future to pay polic...
- Order point of in (coven oven? Boo!) Congressiona...
- Someany1 say macademiafor future higher learning y...
- Upmountain checkersonomic voodoo altheltic superi...
- so now thursday New Zealand O'clock kids going for...
- Hayseed Dixie any much with Roger Daltry thunktin'...
- No disturbing trends here traditional familiarly r...
- Conscionastabilitutionality of BOOSH!